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Why is Molly Dangerous

Molly, most commonly referred to as ecstasy, is an illegal drug because of how dangerous it is.  All users need to know about the molly dangers before they start to use it.  It is important that they know about molly danger information, such as that it rare to buy 100% real molly in the streets.  More often than not all dealers will mix molly with other types of drug.  This makes it impossible to find out the exact quality of the molly because some dealers will have a higher molly ratio and others a lower ratio.  This is one of the great molly dangers because the user can never know how much molly is about to enter the body.

Molly Drug Usage

Molly drug use dangers the life of the user because of the possibility of overheating of the body.  Molly results in a lot of sweating a long with higher blood pressure and pulse and combining that with the atmosphere of the club or rave and straining physical activity can lead to cardiac arrest and dehydration.  Other molly drug use dangers included damage to the brain and this can lead to other molly dangers.  For example, someone on molly, who does not have molly danger information, will not realize that his or her body is about to break down because their brain does not recognize any sort of change.  This is where it is important that if someone is going to use molly, even though use is highly prohibited, he or she have complete molly danger information and molly drug use dangers.

Molly Drug Information

Furthermore, another piece of molly danger information is that it leaves no sense of fear or feelings in the user.  They will be more prone to put their lives in danger because their mind and body do not work together and no warning signal is sent the brain.  The person using molly may feel like they are floating and that leads to distorted coordination and higher chance of falling and injury.  Other possible problems that may result from molly are nausea and vomiting that can turn out to be fatal if the wrong is digested into the body.

This drug requires the user to drink plenty of water to help stave off from overheating.  However, what most people do wrong is that they start gulping large amounts of water after a while instead of taking small sips regularly.  This can cause water poisoning because the excess water that has been retained in the body disturbs the composition and makeup of the minerals in the body.  This eventually leads to the over swelling of the organs and can result in coma or death.

It is important that people who use this drug regularly increase the intake of natural antidepressant.  A natural antidepressant will help stave off possible side effects of this drug.  The natural antidepressant should be in the form of food, such as fish, chicken, walnuts, as well as different vitamin and mineral supplements that will help replenish and rejuvenate your body.