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When To Avoid Sam-E

All of us know that excess or shortage of everything is dangerous. When things are under control, they work at an optimum level. Nature follows the rules of balance. Broken balance leads to disaster. Similarly, our body is working in a balanced way. When one of its components loses the balance, can depression cause anger it tries its best to return that component to the normal levels.  In the same way, Sam-E (S-Adenosyl Methionine) works as a co-factor in our body in a controlled manner. According to the sam-E information, it is involved in various reactions of our body. It donates its methyl group during many metabolic reactions and produces neurotransmitters (dopamine) and many other substances (creatine, carnitine, DNA, tRNA) in the body.

Sam-E Information

As per sam-E information, sam-E helps depression and bad moods working as a natural antidepressant. Though this natural antidepressant benefits our body in several ways, excess of this substance may aggravate some abnormal conditions of the body and depression causes. If a patient is susceptible to suffer from atherosclerosis, he/she must avoid sam-E, as it can enhance the process of atherosclerosis. Actually, when Sam-E donates its methyl group, it is converted to homocysteine.


Homocysteine with the help of vitamins (e.g. vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and folic acid) is converted back to methionine, SAM-e, glutathione and other beneficial substances. Thus, if the levels of vitamins in the body are low, homocysteine will accumulate to a harmful level in the body and may cause heart attack, stroke or liver damage. This is the reason why vitamins are usually advised with while starting sam-E.

It is a general rule that when someone is allergic to any substance or medication, he/she must avoid that substance or medication. Similarly, if patients are allergic to sam-E, they should keep themselves away from sam-E, as allergic reaction may lead to serious and deteriorating sam-E side effects or even to death.

However, in normal conditions, no sam-E side effects have been reported. Though it is a natural substance and natural antidepressant, sam-E interacts with other drugs. Sam-E produces serious adverse effects when used along with SSRI antidepressants and MAO inhibitors. Special attention should be paid when it is used in combination with meperidine, pentazocine, dextrometharphan and cyclobenzaprine.

Regarding the sam-E information, some of the researchers believe that sam-E depletes the reserves of neurotransmitters like dopamine and nor-epinephrine in the brain and thus may cause Parkinson-like symptoms. It is also thought that sam-E lowers the glucose level in the blood, so one must be careful while using sam-E in combination with anti-diabetic medication.

Patient with bipolar disorder should also avoid sam-E supplements, as they can intensify the signs and symptoms of the bipolar disease. Insomnia is also one of the sam-E side effects and should be taken in the morning; avoid taking it in the evening or at bed time.

Summarily, same-E may lead to deteriorating effects in some conditions. So, it would be wise to consult your physician before taking any kind of drug or supplements in order to avoid any adverse effects.