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What Is The Best TCA

TCA or Tricyclic Antidepressant pills are one of the first antidepressant pills that were used to treat psychosomatic disorders. In fact in the 1950s there was no other option as even dysthymic natural antidepressant supplements were not known of.

They were used for a number of disorders including depression. Their unique molecular structure makes it possible for them to inhibit serotonin reuptake and therefore give you a serotonin boost. This serotonin is a neurotransmitter and has been implicated in most depression cases. A lowering of levels of serotonin is most often the culprit for depression.

TCA Information

TCA information is however specific that they are not very often used nowadays even though they are very effective because of TCA effects. There are two main problems with TCA, one is that they are very toxic in overdoses, and the other is that they have a number of side effects.

It is of course possible to reduce can young adults outgrow bipolar disorder by starting on a very low dosage and slowly increasing it, but then this will also unnecessarily increase the duration of the treatment.

Also with newer SSID medication as well as natural antidepressant supplements now readily available in the market more and more people are turning to them for medication.

The new versions of TCA’s

The newer drugs are preferred because they are not as toxic in overdose and their side effects are also much lesser than TCA. Yet in certain cases TCA is more effective than any other medication.

They are also much cheaper, even when compared to natural antidepressant supplements. Some psychologists are therefore of the opinion that with careful monitoring, they are a very good option.

Other depression treatments

Most people who have depression are seeking an immediate serotonin boost and there are very few medicines that can compare with TCA effects. Of course because of the TCA information that is widely available that they are unsafe, many people do not want to take the risk of using them.

As with any other antidepressant medication, TCA also has discontinuation syndrome. It is not referred to as withdrawal symptoms because this term is used only with drugs that are habit forming. Unfortunately just as TCA effects, even when you are discontinuing them the side effects are more than other kinds of natural antidepressant medication.

As a medicine that gives a serotonin boost TCA is very good. It is however dangerous to take these medicines without proper guidance which is why they are all prescription medication.

There are a number of TCA medicines that are available, and TCA information shows quite a few that are in use even today. Choosing the best out of them is however a little difficult because it is not easy to predict how a certain medicine will work for certain people.

Medicines that give very good TCA effects without too much side effects may not always work the same with other people. In this they differ from SSID medicines that are predominantly safe and their effects can also be predicted to a reasonable extent.

Unless you try out different medicines or different combinations of them it is impossible to find one that will work best for you. If you feel that TCA medicines are the best for you you’ll have to try out different ones till you arrive at one that you like. There is no other way.