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What is Low Mood

In simple words, a low mood is an unhappy state of mind. The feelings that dominate this state of mind are hopeless, pessimism, negativity, frustration, anger, and despair. If asked that what is “low mood” or what is melancholia then the simplest answer to this question is that it is synonymous with depression. Any person going through low mood or depression feels miserable about his self and life. For some people low mood is a constant state of mind that prevails every minute, while on the other hand, for some people low mood can be the reason of some unpleasant cause or situation. The worst category of low mood relates to the un-known causes.

Low Mood Information

Sometimes a person suffering from low mood does not know even the reason of it. This situation causes much despair, as the reason of low mood cannot be sorted. A person’s consciousness about what is low mood and deep self-counseling is required to address the roots of low mood and depression. Various low mood natural remedies are also advisable to cure it.

Causes of Low Mood

The major causes of low mood can be:

•    Environmental
•    Biochemical
•    Genetic and Hereditary

To understand what is low mood and things like cyclothymic disorder effects as well, it is important to be aware of the causes of low mood.

Environmental Causes of Low Mood

These causes imply to the surroundings and persistent conditions from which a person goes through. A life event can put one to low mood. For example, the decease of a loved one, losing a job, problematic relationship, and academic problems are all such factors that can cause low mood. People from various domains of life face different causes of low mood.

A professional can experience low mood due to the tough competition of the corporate world, peer pressure, the difficulty to maintain a standardized lifestyle in this era of inflation and recession. These are all those factors, which cause low mood for any professional. Contrary to this, students and youngsters bear their own reasons of low mood, including the stress of delivering good results, coping with an unwanted subject, and living up to the expectation of friends and family. Low mood can affect the young minds adversely, so it is very important to teach youth to tackle with their moods and fears.

Women experience entirely different causes for low mood. Household chores burden, bringing up a family or childbirth are all such environmental factors that can cause low mood for women. People from all ages and paths of life must be knowledgeable about low mood natural remedies to cure their stresses.

Biochemical Causes of Low Mood

Neurotransmitters are certain chemicals in human brains that keep the brain’s functioning stable and normal. Any fluctuation and abnormality in the levels of these neurotransmitters cause low mood and depression. It is worthwhile to mention that the abnormality in neurotransmitter levels is sometimes caused due to the environmental causes of low mood merely; however, it can be cured through low mood natural remedies.

Genetic Causes of Low Mood

In some families, low mood is a hereditary problem that runs from generations. If one or both parents suffer from low mood then there are vivid chances that this problem will be passed to the offspring too. Genetic problems of low mood can be cured through low mood natural remedies.