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What Are The Differences In Serotonin Between Male And Female

Although the human brain is the same, no matter the gender, recent studies revealed rather interesting serotonin information: males seem to have a greater capacity of processing the kanna natural antidepressant secreted by the brain, while females encounter a lot of difficulties when they need their brains to process serotonin in a short amount of time. These differences are linked to serotonin effects, as well, since it is known that serotonin is used by the brain to regulate emotions and sensations; this could be the answer to the questions why women seem to be more affected than depression than men, and why they do not cope well with stressful situations. Depression is a psychological condition that needs both medication and therapy, in order to be corrected, but, unfortunately, there are people that appeal to drugs in order to feel the positive serotonin effects. One of these drugs is MDMA, better known as ecstasy, but it serves to know that a high determined by serotonin ecstasy use is only short lived, and always followed by deep, yet temporary depression.

How are men at an advantage

Since serotonin is a natural antidepressant that is made by our body chemistry, when it is lacking, depression occurs and also can tyrosine delay ejaculation. The scientific studies leading to the serotonin information mentioned above showed that men have a 52% higher capacity to process serotonin, when compared to women. Such particularities are obvious when stressful circumstances are at play; men seem to cope better, as their brains are capable of reabsorbing serotonin and deliver it again, while the response time in women is slower. Without the presence of this neurotransmitter, serotonin effects are no longer present, either. Women feel more depressed and they do not do that well when they are faced with pressure and stress, according to the serotonin information revealed by recent research. Trying serotonin MDMA effects may seem beneficial, through the sensation of well being they generate, but they do not last for long, and they can deepen the existing depression.

Depression and medication

Serotonin MDMA use may seem like an easy recipe to get rid of the blues, but it is not, by far, a good solution, when you are depressed. Severe cases of depression are treated with medication and therapy, while a serotonin ecstasy episode can only grant relief for a few hours, at best. Women are at a disadvantage because their brain does not process natural antidepressant at the same pace as the male brain, but this does not mean that therapy and medication cannot bring back the pleasant serotonin effects.

Natural ways to promote serotonin metabolism

Since levels of neurotransmitters are important, but also how they are metabolized by the human body, it is essential to have a healthy diet and a healthy metabolism. Here is where serotonin MDMA use is at fault. After experiencing a great high on serotonin ecstasy release, the brain is basically depleted of all its natural antidepressant reserve, and it takes from two days to one week to start producing more again. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, accompanied by good sleeping patterns and exposure to sun light can work wonders for a tired brain, whether it belongs to a male or a female.