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What are the differences in seratonin between male and female

Seratonin is a neurotransmitter that is essential in the normal functioning of the human brain. Studies have showed that the synthesis of this natural antidepressant is different in men and women, which may be an explanation why a larger number of women suffer from unipolar depression than men and herbal sleep aids and antidepressants. Medical based seratonin information shows that the absence or low levels of this neurotransmitter can be linked to suicidal tendencies, depression, anxiety, aggressive behavior and bulimia. There are many positive seratonin effects without which the body and mind cannot function properly; eating right and sleeping well can contribute to the improvement of seratonin synthesis, but this does not change the fact that men and women are different when it comes to natural antidepressant levels. Seratonin ecstasy use does not register many differences, but the use of a powerful drug determines the brain to act differently than under normal circumstances.

What was measured by scientific studies

Although the talk of the day relates to the levels of seratonin levels, this is not what the scientific studies have been focused on. More important than the amount of seratonin in the blood is the capacity to process and synthesize it and this is exactly what makes men and women different and also is it safe to take rose hips with prescription medicines. Seratonin MDMA effects do not differ much between men and women, but when talking about normal processes, women seem to be at a disadvantage. The studies conducted on groups of volunteers showed that the rate of seratonin synthesis is 52% higher in men than in women, which means that men are able to process the available natural antidepressant faster and more efficient than their female counterparts. This seratonin information has not been yet fully investigated, and questions about why this difference exists still remain unanswered. Still, one thing is clear: seratonin effects are better handled by the male brain, while the female brain falls behind.

Women are more depressed than men

The immediate explanation after such studies were made was that women are more likely to fall prey to depression than men. Since seratonin information shows us that the neurotransmitter is also essential for response to stress, it is explainable why, under stressful conditions, depression occurs more in women than in males. Seratonin ecstasy flushes a large quantity of happiness hormone through one’s system, but it is not processed back, and the brain reserve of natural antidepressant is practically depleted. Such seratonin MDMA effects are what make the drugs so dangerous; depression often occurs after using ecstasy, but this is a different type of depression than the one caused by the inability to synthesize it fast enough.

When seratonin levels drop

Stress determines the brain to use its seratonin; while under seratonin ecstasy influence, the natural antidepressant is not absorbed back, but normally this is the natural process. As stressful conditions can be very demanding, a higher rate of synthesizing the seratonin effects is beneficial, but the female brain cannot cope with them as fast the male brain. Seratonin MDMA may seem capable of temporarily cast away depression, but the next day effects can be even worse.