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Tag Archives: xtc abuse in europe compared to america

XTC Abuse More Common In Europe Than America

XTC is a popular recreational drug that is used all over the world. Thousands of teenagers are addicted to this drug. It is generally available in pills and contains MDMA. However, most of the pills contain other hallucinogens and stimulants along with MDMA. XTC abuse is now a common problem throughout the United States as well as in Europe. XTC Abuse Information According to XTC abuse information this drug is now one of the most popular drugs at nightclubs and rave parties along with LSD and meth. A large number of teenagers both in the European countries as well as America are getting addicted to this drug. According to XTC abuse information the countries in Europe that are most hit by this drug are Ireland, Czech Republic, United Kingdom and Spain. Apart from them, many young people in almost every country in the continent use this drug. As this drug is not a natural antidepressant it causes several chemical reactions inside the body that can be harmful. XTC Abuse Effects According to the XTC abuse information thus drug leads to damage in the human brain. It affects the neurons which use serotonin for communicating with other neurons. The higher release of serotonin plays a major role in the regulation of mood, sleep, sensitivity, aggression and sexual activity. Some of the XTC abuse effects are quite similar to that found in drugs such as methamphetamines and cocaine. XTC Addiction By The Numbers In recent years the addiction of XTC has increased ...

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