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Tag Archives: stress information

Stress Test

Stress can affect the heart adversely. In order to keep a check over stress level, it is very important to conduct a stress test. People who are already suffering with heart problem must go through the stress test. The stress test basically provides doctor with the information about the state of heart and its functioning during stress and relieving anxiety. Although there are stress natural remedies to avoid bad heart state but even then conducting a stress test can help diagnose all the heart problems that might be unknown otherwise. The stress test can be long as long as 3 hours but normally it takes only one hour to conduct it. Stress Test In a stress test the patient is asked to exercise at the outset. The exercise could be jogging on the treadmill or to pedal a bicycle. These exercises cause the heart beat fast and the circulation of the blood in body also get faster. During this stressful physical condition, the doctor monitors patient’s heart by attaching electrodes to chest, legs or arms and viewing the heart activity on the monitor. The breathing activity during the stress tests is also very important and is closely observed by the doctor. Any problem in breathing would indicate an abnormal heart activity, which can in turn indicate towards Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)/ Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease cannot be diagnosed under normal conditions; it can only be diagnosed when the heart is made to work harder, ...

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What is Stress

Stress is any state that overwhelms a person, negatively or positively. Most of the times we consider stress as a negative feeling because commonly stressed is felt because of the things, situations and people that are unwanted or unfavorable for us. The compelling feeling that makes one do the undesired puts stress over him and he, unwillingly feels bounded by it. Stress is also used as a synonym for tension and any state of unhappiness and discontent. Contrary to this and the medical answer to “what is stress” is that and also anxiety effects on your mind, it is known to be a state of mind that is influenced by both external and internal factors. External situations can put a person under stress and that stress could be thrilling and positive too. Positive Stress People may ask that what is stress, which is termed as positive stress? The answer is very simple. In any situation, you must think that what type of effect is the situation is causing upon you. If it is exciting you and making you look forward to something, then it will be called as positive stress. Growing popularity about treating stress with herbs is very real as well. Suppose, there is going to be an event in your school, college, office or family and you are very excited about it. This excitement will keep you in a high spirit all the times, and one will feel energetic about discussing, preparing and imagining about that event. Putting ...

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Stress Relief

No one wants to be a part of constant problem rather most of us want to be part of the solution, and same is the case with the methods of stress relief about which, people are always genuinely interested. Stress is very over-rated, for the reason that we give ourselves the allowance to feel stressed and justify that with every bad thing happening in our lives. The bitter irony of the fact is that the stress is supposed to be a part of normal life and we have accepted that. What is needed now is to have those effective stress relief methods that could make the stressful lives easier. Meditation Medication for centuries has known to be a very good solution to cure stress. Yoga and meditation promote peace of mind, self-control, endurance and resilience and all these factors in turn help to alleviate and deal with stress in a better way. There are special breathing exercises that make the mind and body very peaceful. Particular yoga positions are meant to reduce stress and create a feeling of harmony and natural anxuety treatment. Meditation and yoga yield even more benefits when accompanied with a soothing massage routine. One must always take some time from the hectic routine and visit spa to get some massage to relax the nerves. Counseling Counseling can be of various types. One can see a doctor to seek counseling or in the either case communicate with some close friends and family. Expressing feelings and speaking the ...

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Stress Related Effects On Your Body

Things run in a smooth and appropriate way until we are responding adequately and courageously towards life threatening situations. If we will start responding in an incongruous way towards stress in our life, then maladjustment occurs. Life sometimes takes a U-turn and we face great difficulty to adjust in a certain situation. Therefore, maladjustment is actually the result of our own personal ineffectiveness and incompetence. Our life will be as good as we react towards the demands of stress in lives. However, stress is a part of everyone’s life. It is an unavoidable mental state for most of us and a desire for treating stress. Although we are aware of the negative aspects of stress, still we are unable to keep us away from it. Stress can take its toll in a couple of ways; it can produce both psychological and biological consequences. There are so many things happening around you, some you do yourself, the rest is done by the society – all these happening puts stress on you and in this way stress effects on your body, disturb your social functioning. However, the immediate stress effects on your body are biological one. Effects Of Stress On Body Stress varies from situation to situation from mild to moderate levels. However, if it is left unchecked it can bring serious consequences for you. Chronic stress can have more significant effects on your life than the acute one. Nevertheless, in routine life when you are under stress, people end up giving ...

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Stress Related Effects On Your Mood

Stress in life is quite a normal reaction towards threatening situations. In a way, it is positive as it keeps you alert before dangerous situations. However, it becomes negative when you face challenging situations again and again without any relief and relaxation. Consequently, your social functioning gets disturbed, you will become under stress and tension will start overcoming you affecting your whole life. However, sometimes stress is more than just an emotional state. The minor stresses based on daily life can establish one set of mood disturbances. For example if you have poor social relationships, you might be found in a state of stress quite often and a time comes when this daily stress tends to change in a state of ‘distress’. You become irritated, isolated, aggravate and rude. Thus, stress effects on mood keeps you distress and anxious after every short span of time. Consequently, your physical health also gets affected and you will feel numb, woozy, down and low. Body aches and significant bodily complaints are also accompanied by the state of distress. Stress effects on mood tend to take you into the world of mood swings where you never know how you will be going to react in different situations. In addition, sometimes, these stress effects on mood can bring serious and dangerous consequences for you, as well as for your loved ones. In a nutshell, stress related effects on your mood or a mood disorder could make you totally a different person than you actually are. ...

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Presently, stress is a commonly used term and also the most excessively experienced state of emotion. We say it and feel it every now and then. The reason is that the conditions and environment have changed dramatically since the past years. Life has not remained simpler anymore. Today there is more competition, demands, goals, insecurities and fantasies that have ultimately led mankind towards stress and the effects of mood disorder. Today talking about stress has become an absolutely normal thing as people have accepted it as part and parcel of life and little talk about stress management is there, which is an inappropriate culture. Every person must mind the roots of his stress, basing upon his age group, profession, nature and gender. If age group, one’s nature, profession and gender are brought into account then the stress can be divided into three major categories. Teen Stress It can be termed as the “first phase of stress in life”. As the person steps into puberty, he encounters many pressures and stresses not just due to external changes but also due to internal changes. Internal changes play the most significant role in teen stress, as the hormonal and chemical changes experienced by the teen cause emotional fluctuations. Mood swings, hyper activity or loss of interest are some of the most prominent features of the emotional fluctuations. Teen stress can be amplified due to academic pressure and to add more complexity to this age, love arrives. The relationships in the teen group can ...

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