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Tag Archives: signs of anxiety

Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a state of constantly being worried, anxious, and tensed for some particular reason. It is very difficult to explain the causes of anxiety precisely; anxiety may occur even in children due to so many reasons. It is the most common mental disorder among people. Each one of us has experienced anxiety after every short period due to certain what-so-ever reasons and stress related effects on your body. However, when these maladaptive behaviors become more intense that they will start disturbing your life then it becomes necessary enough to find out a good therapist who would help you to get out of this miserable and awful feeling. Interestingly enough, patients of anxiety are unable to describe what is actually wrong with them. If you are suffering from anxiety, you would have been unable to describe what’s going on with you. You might feel miserable, irritated, tensed and worried. Thus, anxiety is the unpleasant sense of apprehension and distress, disturbing your whole life. However, your cognitive behavior towards different situations reflects the intensity of anxiety that you might suffer from. Cognition is basically your own belief of perceiving the threatening situations. The less you feel the more will be the chances to lead a healthy life style. Therefore, it is very necessary to get out of your negative thoughts and fight against the pessimism. Because anxiety directly affects your thought processes converting them into negative ones and making you a pessimist. However, different mind therapies and anxiety relief meditations are ...

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