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Tag Archives: serotonin effects

Serotonin Definition

Serotonin definition compiled from different medical sources describes it as ‘ a chemical compound existent in human beings as well as animals that assumes the role of a hormone as well as a neurotransmitter’. It is commonly known to be occurring in the brain; however serotonin has also been detected in the intestinal walls of human beings, as well as in blood platelets or other constricted blood vessels. Serotonin Information Hormones are chemical substances or messengers that are produced in one part of the body and transported to another target organ or tissues, through blood circulation and regulate their functions by modifying their structures or behavior. Serotonin as a hormone is responsible for regulating respiration, cardiovascular functions, muscle movements and controlling blood clots by regulating the activity of blood clot cells known as platelets. It also affects the process of digestion by regulating the passage of food in the intestine. Serotonin definition also includes its role as a neurotransmitter as benefits to something like cuddling for depression for example. A neurotransmitter is responsible for sending chemical signals from one nerve to other nerves, cells, muscles or organs. In other words, they may be described as the mediators between the brain cells and the human nervous system. Serotonin, as a neurotransmitter is believed to control memory, hunger, varying moods, sleep etc. in human beings. Effects Of Imbalance In Serotonin Levels A healthy level of serotonin is essential to the well being of individuals and goes a long way as how to ...

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Is Serotonin Good or Bad

What is serotonin? Of what importance is it to us? Does it affect us in a good way or bad? Is there reliable serotonin information we can use to learn more about it? Indeed we have all the serotonin information one may need to know about serotonin. According to well researched and versed ginseng serotonin information in the website and on journals, serotonin is one of the crucial amino acids your body can’t do without. The serotonin talk even goes far to say that failure to have the enough amount of serotonin contributes to low moods. Serotonin Information Serotonin is a substance excreted naturally in the body or it can be introduced into the body through synthetic pills. Serotonin works as a natural anti-depressant in our bodies and also is gardening a good method of relieving depression. If released in adequate amounts, it brings about a feel good effect in the body. A better way of understanding it is by likening it to the feel good hormone endorphin. Studies show that endorphins, serotonins and dopamine all work in the same way. They contribute to a euphoric feeling in the body. Possible drugs that contain all three compounds are like serotonin ecstasy or MDMA. Medical experts the serotonin MDMA hype is wanting that the serotonin effects that will come as a result of that are severe. How true that is still boggles the mind but true serotonin information about serotonin ecstasy is that it contributes to a heavy drowsy feeling when ...

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Serotonins Effect On Your Mood

Serotonin can be regarded as the crudest from of natural antidepressant available in the body. It is our system’s very own happiness material that keeps the mood of a personal light and happy. Scientifically speaking, serotonin is a derivative of tryptophan. Synthesized from this amino acid, this chemical molecule is actually a neurotransmitter which helps in transporting the brain signals from one part of the body to another and how can 5 htp help increase seratonin levels. Now, most people wonder how serotonin affects mood of a person because anytime when there is mention of serotonin information, its role in affecting the mood of a person is greatly highlighted. Serotonin Information Serotonin is basically a substance that helps in taking signals of brain to different body parts. Present in blood platelets in abundance, serotonin effects extend to producing actions in correspondence to brain signals. When its level in the body remains normal, there is enough serotonin to go around and hence, all the signals can be easily transmitted. The person ends up feeling a normal mood and 5htp vitamins. But low levels of serotonin greatly affect the mood of a person as the brain signals can no longer be transmitted normally. So even though your brain would continue to function properly, there will be no relaying of the system. Serotonin Effects It is a misconception about serotonin effects that its low levels affect the brain functioning in some way. Low levels of serotonin merely cause a problem in proper signal ...

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How Does Serotonin Affect Your Mood

When it comes to concerns of the brain, serotonin effects are responsible for all kind of mood swings. Serotonin is a brain chemical that affects the way we are thinking that further controls our moods. It’s good that you’ve come across this page because, you are bound to get why do some women get premenstrual dysphoric disorder that explain why people behave the way they do. When serotonin level drops in the brain, the effect in the body comes as stress, being bored, sickly and you feel the whole world is against you. This is what is termed ‘depression’ and we will see how you can control or even stop this from occurring. Serotonin Levels Since decreasing the serotonin level is what is responsible for mood change, you will want to know some serotonin information and how you can increase or maintain its level to avoid possible mood swings that may lead to deeper depression.  Maintaining serotonin level can be accomplished by having a change in your diet, exposing yourself to bright light, regular exercises and also use of SRRI omega 3 fatty acids supplements natural antidepressant medication if at all the above named home remedies fail to work. How is it that the named home remedies work to relieve from depression? To answer this we will take a short glance at what research has explained on this. Depression Treatment To begin with, exercise is so important not only in curing depression but also in relieving many other ailments known ...

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What Impact Does Serotonin Have Against Adrenaline

Whereas serotonin effects are considered positive, adrenaline effects are negative. Serotonin being a brain chemical that helps messages move through the nervous system helps regulate appetite, mood and activeness in a similar way that natural antidepressants do the trick. Effects of Serotonin to Adrenaline When explaining the effects of serotonin to adrenaline, it is best we go down the root of serotonin information. To begin with, do I have mood swings, we have Catecholamines which are chemical compounds derived from tyrosine amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter. Stress is caused by high levels of catecholamine in the blood. Fluctuations of catecholamine are associated with different bodily behaviors, like when one is going on higher grounds. This chemical compound is made up of other compounds like adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine which help the body meet emergencies like fatigue, cold and shock. Serotonin Function On the other hand dopamine is a neurotransmitter that transmits information among neurons in the brains reward system. People who consume what they assume to be natural antidepressants like kanna primarily increase the release of dopamine making them feel ‘home away from home.’ This explains why people become sole addiction of cocaine and it’s because dopamine release creates a drug addiction. Here is a brief of how serotonin effects the adrenaline. When one encounters emotional situation like stress, fear and pain it leads to the release of adrenaline and norephinephrien. Since this comes across as a negative effect, individual may seek the use of natural anti-depressants to counteract ...

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