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Phone Therapy

The value of phone therapy especially in psychological counseling has only increased over the years. Generally telephone counseling of therapy has been in practice over a long time when hot lines were dedicated to services like crisis intervention, prevention of suicide and many forms of psychotherapy services and a way of treating prepartum depression as well. There was one agreeable consensus about phone therapy and that was the privacy it offered. Lack of visual contact also helped to maintain a close auditory relationship between the doctor and the patient. Studies About Phone Therapy Latest studies have revealed that patients seeking therapy for disorders of the mind like signs of major depression, anxiety, Melancholia, bi polar disorder or stress, feel is easier to have their follow up in the form of.  Clients who wish to conceal their identity find it easier to have a phone therapy review. Phone therapy is also helpful in counseling people who are suicidal.  From some psychotherapists point of view the absence of visual clues might be a limiting factor in the case of phone therapy during initial consultations.  Psychiatrists often observe patients during counseling sessions. They follow their body language and perceive their movements like flinching the fists, clenching the teeth or any noticeable and repeated mannerisms.  This however is not a major limiting factor according to phone therapy review. Phone Therapy Uses Phone therapy can be useful for the elderly and physically impaired who cannot travel long distances and wait in queues.  Even corporate executives ...

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