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Tag Archives: panic attack remedy

Treating A Panic Attack

Only the people who have had a panic attack know the agony it puts them in. It is true that most of the people don’t have very long lasting attacks but some people do. Your attack could be over and gone in 10 minutes but for some people it could remain for a couple of hours as well. The intensity of the attack however may vary during the entire period of attack. The starting could be gradual or abrupt but within 5 to 10 minutes the person reaches the peak of his emotions and responsiveness to the attack. Different people try to deal with the attack in different ways like natural panic attack relief but most try to escape the situation or place that triggered it. Treatment By Avoiding The Reasons One of the ways of treating panic attack is by not going to place that cause you to panic. For example, a person could get panicked if he’s been put in a very congested or closed structure. If the room is too small for him to feel comfortable, he might feel extremely vulnerable and fears will haunt his mind. This is called the fear of being in closed places and the name given to this condition is claustrophobia. However, this is not a very effective way for everyone because if your fear is of going into crowded places, no one would recommend avoiding crowds forever. Traffic jams, parties, wedding parties and college or school functions cannot be avoided just ...

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Panic Attack Effects On Your Mood

On one hand panic attack is extremely terrible in terms of behavior and physical effect it causes when in operation but on the other hand, it has some extremely dismal effects on the mood of a person as well. We won’t say that it is a pure mood disorder related problem because in a unipolar mood disorder, effects of sadness on your body, you are not depressed because of a particular reason related to fear. It could be that you lost someone or miss out on something big that caused depression but when it comes to panic attacks, the story is different. Panic attack forces you to enter a somber and depressive mood with its fear. Panic Attack Effects On Mood One of the most agonizing feeling and condition your brain could be in is depression. It is depression that makes you feel unworthy, undeserving and devalued. It is depression that holds many people from showing their true talent and skills to the world because these people are too shy to take part in any social activity and show their inner self.Panic attacks become the source of depression and a person who has had many of them, derives depression from them.You fear going with your friends to a concert because you could get an attack but there will be no place to get out. You might want to go to malls and shop around with your friends but the fear that a panic attack might ruin their fun holds you ...

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Panic Attack Symptoms

The world is getting faster every day and this fastness is resulting in diminishing the chances of people to socialize with each other on a daily or regular basis. You are busy in working the entire week and when you are free on Sunday, you prefer to watch some movies, enjoy some entertaining videos on internet, listen to your favorite songs or just upload some new photos on your social network account. This kind of routine supports depression because you are getting virtually no time to interact with people and share your emotions and feelings. Too much depression in return results in a panic attack, which is one of the worst things you could experience in life. What Are Some Panic Attack Symptoms Panic attack symptoms could be very intense in nature at times. They have made many people believe as if the person was suffering from some cardiac condition and having a heart attack. Given below are some of the most common panic attack symptoms: • You will start to breathe shortly as if you were suffocating and there was no oxygen in the air. • Sweating is one of the common symptoms. • Heart beat can suddenly shoot up and you could feel your heart racing during panic attack. • Nausea and feeling of discomfort. • Trembling and shaking in the body and hands is most common in panic attack. • You will feel as if something was choking you. • A sudden feeling that your surroundings are ...

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