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Tag Archives: omega 3 effects on weight

Will Omega 3 Cause Weight Gain

Some people think that Omega 3, which is a natural antidepressant, may cause weight gain as it is made of seafood contents. So, those who really need it get confused before taking it, thinking that it may cause another big problem of weight gain. This is what stops them from using omega 3 as a treatment of anxiety and other psychological disorders. Although it’s been said that Omega 3 side effects are equal to zero but still people are confused about the weight gain issue and treat postpartum depression. Omega-3 contains fatty acids that are present in the sea foods that we eat, and they are taken as a healthy and vital form of fat. Talking about the Omega 3 side effects, we would be discussing several things in this article. Omega 3 Effects In our daily lives, we usually take balanced diet, and if the composition of diet is good, we don’t gain weight. If one eats more while his/her consumption is too low, they can gain weight, but if they consume equal amount of energy through exercise and physical activity, they would never gain more weight and what is postpartum depression. Similar are the Omega 3 side effects; they don’t have access fats but if a person is doing proper exercise, he would never put up weight. Specialists at the Harvard School of Public Health state, “A calorie of carbohydrate is the same to your body as is a calorie of fat”. Consequently, excess of calories in your ...

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