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Tag Archives: ocd treatment

OCD Treatment

If you have Obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors that take a toll on your life, you will be relieved to know that there are many OCD (Obsessive Compulsion Disorder) treatment options out there. Over the past two decades, behavioral therapy has been proved to be an effective treatment for getting OCD relief just like pregnancy mood swings as well. Medications are also prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. Though there is no permanent OCD cure, getting appropriate treatment can help ease the symptoms and aid you to improve the quality of your life. OCD Medications Antidepressants like fluvoxamine or Fluoxetine are recommended by doctors for OCD remedy. Natural remedies like the valerian root benefits can also be helpful. If your symptoms are severe, you may not be able to perform your regular activities. Medicines help reduce the severity of the symptoms, so they play an integral role in the initial OCD treatment phase. OCD Therapies and Counseling Counseling can help you get OCD cure to some extent. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective type of counseling to treat this disorder. This therapy involves exposing yourself to an obsessive thought like fear of germs and denying yourself the repeated compulsive behavior like washing hands. The therapy is done with the help of a trained therapist, which helps in easing the symptoms significantly. Before starting the therapy, the therapist may ask you to write a list of your obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviors and things you want to avoid. He/she may also instruct ...

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OCD Symptoms

OCD or Obsessive Compulsion Disorder was considered as a rare condition until recently. This is because the patients suffering from this disorder are often secretive and try to hide their symptoms. However, OCD effects can cause problems in all aspects of life like boyfriend and depression and so it should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible. OCD is a chronic illness and without proper treatment, OCD symptoms will come and go and interfere with you ability to perform daily activities. Treatment can help reduce the severity of the disorder. Though some OCD signs may appear even after treatment, you will be able to work, have an active social life and raise a family. Common Symptoms of OCD OCD symptoms vary from patient to patient, but the most common OCD signs include Obsession Symptoms • Excessive concern about neatness, ordering and exactness • Fear of germs or excessively worrying about body smells and secretions. • Fearing or imagining about bad things or doing something irritating • Constantly counting numbers or reciting some words. • Fear of harming yourself or others Compulsion Symptoms • Washing hands, brushing teeth or showering frequently or using personal hygiene items excessively to hide body smells. • Checking zippers and buttons on clothes constantly • Cleaning home and ordering some objects constantly • Checking doors, lights and appliances over and again to ensure whether they are closed or turned off. • Asking the same question again and again • Hoarding unnecessary or unwanted objects like ...

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OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by irrational thoughts and fears leading you to do unwanted repetitive behaviors.  You may be able to realize that your obsessions are unreasonable and you may even try to stop them like you would once you get help for depression. However, your attempts would increase your anxiety and you would end up performing compulsive acts to alleviate your stress and anxiety. OCD usually starts during childhood or teenage. What Causes OCD The exact cause of OCD is not known. However, changes in your body chemistry and brain functions may contribute to this disorder. It may also run in families. Environmental factors may also lead to this disorder.  Inadequate serotonin level may also cause obsessive compulsive disorder. If you react to stress strongly, you are more likely to develop this disorder. OCD Symptoms Obsessive compulsive disorder cause both obsession and compulsion symptoms. If the obsessions are recurrent and persistent and you have impulsions involuntarily, it may be one of the OCD symptoms. In order to be diagnosed with this disorder, your obsessions must be repeated and intrude while you try to think about or do some other things.  Obsession symptoms include • Fearing about contamination while touching objects that have been touched by others or while shaking hands. • Unwanted thoughts or images of hurting your child • Avoiding situations that could trigger obsessions • Imagining pornography in your mind repeatedly • Skin lesions due to picking at your skin ...

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