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Tag Archives: natural mood enhancement

Natural Mood Enhancers

With the stress and lifestyle habits of current times, mood disorders, depression and anxiety have become an unwelcome part of a people’s lives. The chemical culprit of fluctuating moods is a brain chemical known as Serotonin, the levels of which dictates the moods of a person. A low level of serotonin may lead to negative thoughts while a high amount leads to uplifted and an overall life enhancement.  Many people suffering from negative moods etc. accede to the habit of relying on anti depressant drugs can be purchased either over-the-counter or through prescriptions. However the adverse side-effects experienced by people due to the continued used of anti-depressants is luring people towards natural mood enhancement options. Natural Mood Enhancement Techniques Researches have shown that enhancing your mood naturally is successfully possible through changing habits and lifestyle, top supplements for anxiety, dietary changes, as well as consuming certain herbs with anti-depressant properties. Herbal Remedies The most popular herb effective in the treatment of an imbalanced brain chemistry leading to negative mood disorder is St. John’s Wort. The extracts from this plant appear to replicate the effect of anti-depressants in the brain, in a gentler manner, by promoting healthy levels of serotonin in the nervous system and fostering positive moods.  Another well known herb in the list of natural mood enhancers includes passion flower. It works as a tonic for the nervous systems and induces sensations of relaxation, serenity and calmness. Extracts of lavender, used in the form of oil for aromatherapy or ...

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How Colors Can Boost Your Mood

Did you ever try to know why your office walls those are off white in color make you feel sleepy? Or why sky blue color works as a mood booster? Many studies have proved that every color has different effect over your emotions. Colors play an important role in everyone’s life, whether it is red, black or blue and also do people have long term success on herbal antidepressants. They have a great impact on everyone’s mood. With the fast growing competitive world lots of people suffer from acute depression. There are several reasons for depression, mainly due to stress or tension at job, family problems and many more.  There are different remedies available for reducing depression but most people prefer natural antidepressant. Colors And Your Mood By getting surrounded with different colors anyone can boost their mood like l-trytophan because colors have huge impact on human mind. The mood booster effects of colors can be noticed as colors produce happiness and relaxation.  Yellow color is represented as sunlight as well as exposure to sun can bring a feeling of happiness. This happens because yellow color increases the serotonin production. Serotonin is a hormone which is responsible for happy emotions. The mood booster can improve concentration as well as boost up your metabolism. If you have right mood booster information then you would be able to take right decision for overcoming depression. The Color Red And Your Mood Red color is another strong mood booster that invokes the feeling of ...

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What Is The Best Way To Boost Your Mood

Moods keep on changing like weather, whether you are feeling down, plain and gloomy or just blue there are some mood booster that will help you to boost up your mood. Correct mood booster information can be really useful to you for boosting up your mood. This plays an important role in your life as it controls your energy. It can make you happy, peaceful, relaxed, and enhance other good feelings and can anxiety cause shortness of breath. It can be sport, foods, memories, hobby, music, and other things. There are different mood boosters that you notice at different stages of life. There are many remedies available for boosting your mood but natural antidepressant is commonly preferred by many people. Ways To Boost Your Mood Regular exercise can be the best mood booster and lithium; it helps in reducing tension and stress, and it even boosts up your energy. Exercise has always been one of the best mood boosters and even maintains your physical and mental health. A morning or evening short walk easily boosts your energy as well as mood.  Just 10 minutes’ walk can bring lots of difference in your world. Instead of getting depressed and tired you can spend at least 10 minutes for walk from your busy life. You can see the mood booster effects from the day when you start applying in your daily life. Natural Antidepressants People who are suffering from stress or depression look for different remedies. Some prefer natural remedies as they ...

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What Gives a Natural Mood Boost

Serotonin is simply a brain chemical that is required for the regulation of not only the mood but appetite and sleeping patterns. While serotonin cannot be gotten from sources outside of the body, the body’s serotonin levels may be increased by a number of factors such as sun exposure and herbal remedies recommended for a peaceful mood intake. People who suffer from brain disorders such as depression are known to have low serotonin levels and will require a mood booster such as natural antidepressant foods or supplements. There are a variety of ways to help promote serotonin levels in the body, a lot of which simply involve simple lifestyle modifications. Mood Booster Information – Light Therapy as a Mood Booster Light is important for producing serotonin in the body. “Seasonal Affective Disorder” is a kind of depression bad mood disorder that is caused by lack of sun exposure during the winter months – this is simply an example of the sun’s part in elevating mood. Serotonin helps to prevent sensitivity to light during sleep and might be reduced by lack of sunlight/natural light, which results in symptoms such as sleeplessness or depression. While too much sun exposure could be quite dangerous, daily exposure of 5 – 10 minutes may be very beneficial to increasing serotonin. Applying sunscreen can also help one protect themselves from the harmful sun rays and is highly recommended for anyone who spends longer than ten minutes in the sun. Light therapy, which employs artificial lamps in order ...

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Does Sleeping Help Boost Your Mood

When you are struggling to meet your daily demands of modern life, cutting sleep hours might seem the only solution. This might probably help you get through your never ending to-do list and make time for little fun. Surely, eight hours of sleeping might sound great but most of the people cannot afford to spend much time sleeping. However the truth is you actually need to spend sufficient time sleeping to boost your mood. Most of the people who often compromise on their sleep time generally feel low and depressed. Although sleeping can be one of the best solutions you can even find with herbal supplements to get yourself fresh and energetic again. Breaking Down What Makes Sleep So Important Sleep basically consists of a series of distinct stages and cycles that restores and refreshes your mind and body. Even when there is a bit of sleep loss it takes a toll on your energy, mood, effectiveness and your ability to handle stress. So, if you need to feel your best, perform up to your potential and stay healthy then sleep along with a is it safe to take l-tryptophan with prescription medicines. There are several issues you need to find out about your nightly sleep needs and what best can be done to bounce back from chronic sleep loss and maintain a healthy sleep schedule. Moreover you can even find ayurvedic medicine that can boost your energy levels in a natural way. However it is necessary you find some ...

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