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Tag Archives: mushrooms considered SSRE’s

Are Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Considered SSRE's

The hallucinogenic mushroom is a fungus which involves the psychoactive compounds such as psilocin and psilocybin. The scientific term for them is Psilocybin mushrooms. They are also known as shrooms or magic mushrooms. There are about 190 species of the hallucinogenic mushrooms. Most of them are under the genus called Psilocybe. The magic mushrooms cannot be considered as SSRE or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Enhancer and also how long does it take for trytophan to work. The psilocin and psilocybin that are present in these mushrooms influence the serotonin receptors in a different way from that of the SSRE. So they do not have any SSRE effects. If you are aware of the SSRE information then you will understand the difference between SSRE and hallucinogenic mushrooms. You need to know the way the shrooms help in serotonin boost. You can use these mushrooms as natural antidepressant but not as SSRE. The Role Of SSRE’s The SSREs helps in serotonin boost. With the help of this the reabsorbing of serotonin neurotransmitter from the synapse is stopped temporary. This leads to a spacey and euphoric feeling. On the other hand the influence of the Psilocybin on the system of serotonin is different from the SSRE tryptophan 5-htp effects. The Psilocybin is dephosphorylated rapidly into the psilocin after getting absorbed from the stomach lining. When this reaches into the brain it functions in the form of partial agonist to the 5-HTP2A/2C and 5-HTP1A receptors. This means that since the psilocin is identical to serotonin structurally, ...

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