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Tag Archives: molly overdose

Molly Overdose Possibilities

As you gather molly drug information from the internet, you must be thinking of making an informed decision about molly drug effects. If you are still thinking that molly is harmless, then perhaps this piece of molly drug information will be helpful to you to know that it is indeed possible to overdose on molly. Molly is a drug and there indeed is a possibility of overdose on molly, especially because the molly drug is so often adulterated with other abusive drugs like heroin or cocaine. Here you will find important molly drug information on the overdose and information on how to avoid molly drugs and lead a drug free and depression free life. Molly Effects However, before we get into discussion regarding molly drug effects and the overdose of molly it is important to understand that molly drug is not a natural antidepressant as it is claimed to be. Selling the drug as a natural antidepressant is only a marketing ploy employed by the drug market trying to cash on your feelings of depression. Molly has nothing to do with being natural, as it is a synthetic chemical manufactured in illegal drugs laboratories. Therefore, if you have been taking molly drug under the false impression that it is a natural antidepressant it is time you know the real molly drug information and take an informed decision regarding the same. The only connection that molly has to natural antidepressant is through the secretion of neurochemicals like serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline ...

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Overdose On Molly

Molly Drug can be very dangerous for young adult who take the drug so as to get high. Molly is also known as MDMA and it is a synthetic chemical that are usually extracted from an essential oil of a tree called Sassafras. The Molly Drug Effects could be likened to the same one as the effect from hallucinogens and amphetamines. This drug has become very popular today and it could be found in social events such as hip hop parties, raves, concerts, clubs, and so on. There are various ways that people take Molly Drug and these include swallowing, injecting, shafting, and so on. Just like any Natural Antidepressant, it is possible to use an overdose of Molly. The major Molly Drug Effects include speeding up the nervous system, acting as a mood booster. It makes the users feel happy, relaxed and excited after use. Molly Effects The overdose of this drug can result in some serious issues and can even result in death. To know the right quantity of the drug to take, it is advisable to study Molly Drug Information. Any individual that is suffering from diabetes, mental illness, hypertension, heart disease or nervous breakdown should avoid taking Molly Drug. This is because the Molly Drug Effects can result in serious health issues for this group of people. Some common side effect of this drug include increased body temperature, increased heart rate, nausea, sweating, increased blood pressure, loss of happiness, anxiety, and unrealistic feeling of happiness. When ...

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