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Tag Archives: mdma comedown prevention

MDMA Comedown Prevention

Ecstasy users all over the world are very familiar with the nasty MDMA comedown effects that occur the next day after spending one night partying with friends. As MDMA comedown can be very difficult to cope with, due to the general feeling of having the entire body and mind washed out, many search for miracle remedies to suppress the comedown. Despite some claims that there are MDMA comedown remedies that can make you feel as good as new when you come home from a night out clubbing, such information is at least a bit off the mark. There is not much you can do to suppress an episode MDMA comedown, but there are things you can do in order to minimize its effects. What To Do Before Going Out MDMA comedown information offered by medical sources recommends having a meal rich in salty or spicy foods before leaving your home to go to a party where you intend to take ecstasy. Due to the dehydration that often occurs to heavy party enthusiasts, balancing body fluids by eating a hearty and healthy meal before going out is one of the MDMA comedown remedies that physicians recommend. Also, because the natural antidepressant produced by the brain will be depleted soon after you take ecstasy, helping the body cope with these MDMA comedown effects by drinking a lot of vitamin C rich fluids is equally important. Even if there is no clear evidence about how ecstasy affects the brain, helping it regain its ...

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Rest Off An MDMA Comedown Naturally

Are you looking for MDMA comedown information? MDMA, commonly referred to as ecstasy, is a drug that is taken to experience a feeling of happiness and of being high. People claim that while using this drug they experience a great sense of well being and can easily communicate with those around them. However, MDMA comedown is one of the negative aspects of taking this drug, and MDMA comedown effects can be very severe. You might be wondering if there is a simple way to reduce your MDMA comedown without using other drugs or store bought remedies. So, can you simply rest to get rid of your MDMA comedown? MDMA Comedown Info MDMA comedown is not a pleasant thing to experience, and those who take the drug know this only too well. If you are looking for a way to easily reduce your MDMA comedown effects, you should look up some MDMA comedown information, which can help you fight your comedown. Resting and getting a lot of good sleep seems like the best way to get over your comedown. However, you will find that many ecstasy pills are mixed with speed, which is a drug that will keep you awake. If you are trying to get some much needed rest you will soon learn that MDMA pills can make it very difficult to sleep. Although you will feel very tired and lethargic, you will find it difficult to get the rest that your body desires. MDMA Comedown Remedies Drinking a lot ...

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Sam-E MDMA Comedown

Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) also known as ecstasy by common man is a mood lifter drug. It makes a person feel very happy as if you want to jump. It makes you feel euphoric. Depending on the mental status before taking the drug and effect of the drug varies on individuals. The MDMA drug comes in the form of pills whose effect lasts for around eight hours. After a regular use the effect can last for shorter and shorter period. After the intake, within 20 minutes you feel like you are on some kind of fast ride. You feel happy and over energetic. You also feel dry mouth and hot. It also gives hallucination effect. MDMA Comedown It is often found that Sam-E MDMA are taken together to reduce the depression. When you come down or get out of the MDMA effect you might feel depressed and tired. You can also get hungry and anxious. Sometimes these comedown effects are less and sometimes they are very serious. Sam-E is a natural antidepressant which can help you to reduce the effects of comedown. From various sources, you can get information about use of Sam-E, Sam-E side effects and more. Sam-E Effects The effect is at its peak for two hours after intake. You feel like you are in some other world. The slightest sound of anything will feel like music. You will have some funny expression on your face. You will feel like dancing and feel very confident and too much happy. These ...

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5-HTP MDMA Comedown Cure

Many people who are suffering from an MDMA comedown will be looking for a way to combat these negative effects. 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a substance which can increase the amount of happy making chemicals in your body, and some people believe that taking this substance can help reduce MDMA comedown effects. MDMA Effects MDMA is a dangerous drug which is very popular all over the world. People who enjoy going to large dance parties, called “raves,” are particular fans of MDMA (also known as ecstasy). This drug will give a great feeling of happiness and of being at one with those around you. Many people believe that taking the drug is well worth the MDMA comedown.  The comedown is the part of the night when the drugs start to wear off, and your body is left feeling depleted of the chemicals which make you feel good. This can lead to some pretty drastic effects, such as depression, loneliness, soreness, lack of sleep and energy, and even suicidal thoughts. The days which follow will leave the user feeling just as bad, if not worse, as their body struggles to get back to equilibrium. MDMA Comedown Information If you are looking to cure your comedown, there are many sources of MDMA comedown information, such as websites and forums. However, this is not a completely studied area, and there is much debate about the topic. If you want to get rid of your MDMA comedown, you should realize that there is no proven ...

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Kanna MDMA Comedown

Kanna as a natural antidepressant is catching on very fast among supplement takers. Until recently St John’s Wort was considered the best in terms of natural antidepressant supplements, but now it looks like Kanna MDMA will displace it from its throne. Not much study has gone into Kanna MDMA because it is only very recently in the market. Yet all preliminary reports indicate that it is not only more powerful than other natural antidepressant products, it also gives a serotonin boost much faster. Kanna Effects Unlike other natural antidepressant products Kanna MDMA also does not have too many Kanna side effects. Most natural antidepressant supplements have the bare minimum mouth dryness and constipation as a side effect while Kanna side effects are negligible to almost nonexistent. What little Kanna information there is says that apart from the serotonin boost, Kanna MDMA is also a good appetite suppressor. While there have been no studies to prove this, traditional medicine is full of Kanna information about how effective it is in suppressing hunger. Kanna For An MDMA Comedown In South Africa where Kanna MDMA is native, tribals were accustomed to using Kanna as a mood altering product. Kanna MDMA has the ability to both stimulate as well as sedate a person, making them very relaxed physically while keeping their faculties sharp. This character of Kanna is the one that is making a number of people sit up and take notice of it as a herbal alternative to other party pills. While most ...

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Herbal Remedies For An MDMA Come Down

MDMA is a popular and very dangerous drug which is widely used all over the world. It gives feelings of being happy, but that is coupled with a drastic comedown. Are you looking for a remedy for your comedown? This article should be able to help you. Eating good foods or using herbal remedies can help to decrease the effects of coming down. Learning about comedown information and the effects of drugs can help you to deal with the problem as well. Asking your doctor about MDMA comedown information is a good thing to do. MDMA Effects MDMA, or what is otherwise known as ecstasy, is a widely used drug which gives a feeling of euphoria to its users. This feeling does not last forever, and eventually there will be an MDMA comedown. This MDMA comedown is a terrible thing to experience. While some people claim that they do not experience this type of comedown, the majority of people claim that they have felt depressed, tired, lethargic and hopeless during a comedown. What goes up must come down, and this is no different for the takers of recreational drugs. Many people are constantly looking for MDMA comedown remedies to help them deal with their MDMA comedown effects. These sorts of MDMA comedown remedies can be very helpful if the right thing is taken, but there is no proven cure for a comedown. MDMA Comedown Remedies The simplest thing to do when trying to find MDMA comedown remedies is eat a ...

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Kava Kava Cure For MDMA Comedown

According to a study MDMA drugs affect the nervous system directly. It mixes with the blood and creates toxins in the body and also increases blood pressure. MDMA countdown is very high when it is consumed at a very high quantity. It creates depression, giddiness inside the body. Kava Kava on the other hand is an herb used as a tea useful for controlling depression and relieves to some extent. Kava Kava MDMA taken in the form with alcohol can spell drowsiness for long. Kava Kava Effects Kava Kava is now being used like a Natural Antidepressant medicine in the form of herbal tea and many other forms and is being used as non-addictive cure for gloominess and nervousness. Kava Kava Ecstasy is also very useful for relieving from strain linked to sleeplessness, wakefulness and many more. Kava Kava MDMA drug also causes drowsiness. Another survey suggests that after consuming a patient falls asleep within 30 minutes. Kava Kava and MDMA Kava Kava MDMA drugs are being considered as a lawful medication by few countries as it helps in curing many ecstatic feelings and makes the body relaxed. According to another survey made on Kava Kava Ecstasy reveal that they have the same type of feeling as they have while drinking alcohol. The only difference is that it loosens the tongue in a quiet and non-destructive way. One of the Kava Kava Information is that people in South Pacific where kava is famous prepared by adding with water and forced ...

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MDMA Comedown Panic Attack

Some people consider MDMA to be a mood enhancing substance that allows them to enjoy euphoric pleasures. This is also one of the reasons why this has become among the widely sought after recreation drugs especially in rave scenes and nightclub parties. MDMA is not your typical natural antidepressant and it is also highly illegal. But this does not stop people from using this substance even this can cause a lot of negative things on other people particularly when coming down from extasy effects. Among the comedown effects of MDMA include panic attack or severe anxiety. Experts attribute this to the loss of serotonin during the MDMA consumption. MDMA Comedown Information MDMA or extasy is a laboratory produced substance that contains a highly psychoactive effect. These effects are almost similar with methamphetamines and the drug known as mescaline. When a person is under the influence of MDMA, they are able to experience enhanced euphoric feelings and emotional warmth. But for some people, the coming up natural antidepressant effects usually include panic attack and this is a major concern for some. Some users who experience panic attack during the coming up stage will certainly experience it again when coming down from the effects of MDMA. During this stage, the panic attack symptoms will start to manifest which include: •    Heavy palpitations •    Chest pains •    Dizziness and nausea •    Numbness of the hands coupled with tingling sensations •    Trembling and shaking •    Spacey and perceptual distortions •    Dreamlike sensations Majority of ...

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MDMA Comedown

MDMA, or ecstasy, is a popular drug that is taken by many people, especially in the dance club scene. Before you consider taking this drug, think about the horrible effects that it can have on your mind and body. MDMA Comedown Effects MDMA comedown effects can be pretty awful, and if you have ever taken MDMA you will know how bad things can seem. When you are under the effects of MDMA (otherwise known as ecstasy) life can feel very good. You will experience a great sense of euphoria and wonderment. Conversations with your friends and even complete strangers will give you a great sense of joy. However, after about three to six hours the seemingly positive effects of the drug will begin to wear off and you will be left with an MDMA comedown. The effects of MDMA comedown include things like depression, a sense of dread, tiredness, lack of ability to sleep and general bad feelings. If you are a user of MDMA you have to ask yourself if all of these MDMA comedown effects are really worth the happy feelings that you experienced while on the drug. For many people, they will do the drug again and again, as though they have forgotten about the comedown. MDMA Comedown Information If you are suffering from an MDMA comedown you should look for MDMA comedown information and MDMA comedown remedies online. There is no sure way to make the comedown go away, but you will be able to do ...

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Anxiety After Taking MDMA

Anxiety is one of the side effects of prolonged use of ecstasy, the drug officially known as MDMA. Ecstasy belongs to a class of drugs that modify brain chemistry to a large extent, which is why anxiety can appear as side effect. MDMA has the ability to deplete the natural antidepressant reserves, which leads to depression and anxiety. If you repeat your drug experiences, anxiety symptoms will become a fixture, and sooner than you know, you will be suffering from an anxiety disorder. More anxiety information can be found on medical related sites that also warn about the effects of drug consumption. Is this anxiety just temporary Anxiety information related to drug abuse shows that the episodes of depression and anxiety felt right after consuming drugs like MDMA are temporary. When someone gets high on ecstasy, their brain will release all the natural antidepressant it has, and it will take at least a couple of days for it to start producing a new reserve. While the brain goes through this recovery process, depression and anxiety will be felt in full force. Anxiety symptoms can be quite dreadful, and the person going through the ecstasy hangover will often have a hard time during these episodes. Anxiety medication is not a good solution for temporary episodes, but it might be needed if your anxiety becomes a long lasting condition. As long as someone only takes ecstasy once or twice, they will not often experience anxiety episodes. However, if they consume drugs on ...

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