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Tag Archives: mdma addiction

MDMA Addiction Signs

Before we start discussing how to understand whether you are addicted to MDMA or not, it is important to understand beforehand that MDMA or ecstasy is one of the least addictive drugs available in the market. The effects of MDMA addiction are almost none and usually the MDMA user has full control over the addictive behavior of the drug. However, the MDMA addiction effects vary from person to person and some people may get quite hooked up to t he drug, but there are several underlying factors that are at play while deciding the addictiveness of MDMA in your system. For example, if you are quite used to take alcohol along with MDMA, there is a high possibility that you would be addicted to the drug in a long term sense. The MDMA addiction information provided in this article can help you understand the different traits and aspects of MDMA addiction. Hopefully, the information provided here should be useful in deciding whether you are facing MDMA addiction effects or not. At this point it is also important to clarify that MDMA addiction is not much of a praiseworthy thing and it is better to make an effort to get rid of the addiction and lead a drug –free life for yourself. MDMA Information Here, it is also important to understand that the pill that you are popping in frequently may not be MDMA at all and you might have got addicted to heroin or cocaine without even knowing it. The ...

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MDMA Popular With Your Companion

MDMA popularity seems to increase slowly, but particular cases may have particular causes. Some youngsters say that MDMA acts as a bonding factor in their relationships, while other MDMA popularity facts point out that many young adults are enticed to try the drug, because their companion uses it. In The Club Or Alone At Home Too few people consume ecstasy to meditate, but there is, however, a trend of using it outside of clubs, in a more relaxed environment. MDMA popularity information shows that many young consumers try the drug because their companions are using it, too. According to some personal confessions, doing drugs next to someone that does not share the same experience can be quite awkward, so it is a common occurrence that if one uses MDMA, they often end up convincing their companion to try it, too. Although experiencing the natural antidepressant high inside a club can be over-stimulating, some prefer to get high at home, next to their companions. Effects On Relationships The release of serotonin, which is the most powerful natural antidepressant the body can make, causes a heightened state of empathy, which is why MDMA is also called the ‘love drug’. Since partners feel less inhibited during the come up and high experience, they tend to share more of their inner thoughts, or this is what MDMA popularity facts offered by users show. As they can be more honest to one another, the result can be an improvement of the relationship. However, one must ...

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MDMA Dangers If You Have Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a phase in which the two sides of a brain stops communicating with each other in a proper manner, and this further causes a fit to that particular individual. It is always important to ensure that any type of natural antidepressant is not consumed by an individual suffering from Epilepsy; because both of them are directly or indirectly connected to brain. Yes, MDMA is a drug that can very well rule your brain; it helps you motivate your desire for sex and enhance your intimate relations with others. In fact, there have been numerous evidences stating that it is a neurotoxic and can easily damage the central system of a body, including both the spinal cord and brain. MDMA Dangers During epilepsy, when the brain does not function properly, sometimes, MDMA can cause a fit or seizure, further aggravating the symptoms of epilepsy. Therefore, it is recommended by the health care providers to know the basics of MDMA danger information and avoid MDMA use dangers if already suffering from epilepsy. Along with this, there exist many other MDMA dangers which tend to have bad impact on an individual’s life style and in worst cases, can even cause death. Mostly, when people become addicted to such natural antidepressants, they become their victim. Else, there are many who are allergic to it and therefore just one dose of MDMA can succeed in taking their life. People suffering from dehydration lack in controlling the amount of water in their system and ...

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Doctor For MDMA Side Effects

MDMA is a hallucinogen which people consume to get rid of their worries. MDMA is also used as a medication but in lower dosages and with caution. MDMA interacts with the normal working of the neurons and cause over secretion or over stimulation of serotonin and dopamine. This alteration at the molecular level is dangerous and if usage is more it can be proved to be fatal. Therefore, it is important that you read up on the MDMA information. MDMA effects can be good if the drug is taken in limited proportion and as per the prescription given by your doctor. One also needs to keep in mind that many use MDMA as a natural antidepressant which may not be a good idea. MDMA Abuse Repeated use of MDMA cause a lot of toxic effects to the body. There are severe withdrawal symptoms that are seen in a person who is dependent or who has used MDMA frequently. One of the most common side effects is overheating, which is seen in majority of the people. Other than overheating additional side effects which persist are anorexia, headache, impaired verbal response, hallucinations, respiratory problems and so on. Therefore, these are the MDMA effects one must be aware of. It is best to read up on MDMA information before hand. MDMA Information There are well trained professionals who help in curing dependency and side effects of MDMA effects. People should seek help only of those medical experts who understand side effects of MDMA. ...

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Does MDMA Mess Up Your Back

MDMA consumption has a wide variety of side effects, including muscle pains. The worst thing about taking ecstasy is that MDMA comedown episodes are very intense and they are accompanied by many types of pains and a general feeling of physical exhaustion. Your back could be affected because you will feel like every muscle in your body aches to the extreme. A lot of MDMA information also shows that the feeling of depression that occurs the next day after ecstasy consumption can make back pains even worse. If you have a pre-existing condition, it can also be made worse by MDMA comedown, because this will intensify your pain. How Back Pain is Made Worse by MDMA Consumption Ecstasy delivers the pleasant sensations it is well known for because it causes the natural antidepressant in your brain to be used in large quantities over a small duration of time. However, once the effect of serotonin wears off, depression often occurs, and the pain felt is intensified this way. Another reason for which MDMA comedown is accompanied by severe back pains is the fact that ecstasy consumption is accompanied by dancing and partying. As all pains are ignored when under the influence of the natural antidepressant high, the next day is marked by extreme pains, including back pains. Also, a lot of MDMA facts point out that feelings of depression occur quite often, which cause any pains to be felt even more than usual. The Physical Effects Ecstasy use has a lot ...

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MDMA Increase In Popularity

Cancer patients go through a lot of pain in their last stages. Doctors use ecstasy or MDMA as a natural antidepressant to make the end as less painful as possible. The reason why ecstasy is used is because it helps to reduce the anxiety one feels with a lot of pain. It helps to calm the patient. If the patient feels less anxious about his or her pain then he or she can handle the pain in a much better manner. Ecstasy is also used as a natural antidepressant in cases of treating post traumatic stress. It helps the individual to open up and talk to the counsellor. What is the reason for MDMA popularity Many individuals think that since MDMA can be used for medical reasons it must not have adverse effects on the mind and the body. Many myths are circulating among the teenagers that ecstasy does not affect the normal functioning of life. All these are misconceptions and these misconceptions have led to MDMA popularity. The truth is that ecstasy can have devastating effects on the physical and mental body both. Ecstasy does not give an immediate high. It takes some time before reacting. Many individuals feel the need to over consume ecstasy as they think a small quantity has no effects. Another reason which has led to MDMA popularity is rave parties. The trend of rave parties which had started almost 30 years ago is still alive, only a few dangerous modifications have been made. Ecstasy ...

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Thinking About MDMA After Trying It

MDMA is not a natural antidepressant in itself, so if you are thinking that MDMA is getting rid of your depressions naturally, you are completely mistaken. It is important to understand this in this respect because often MDMA users are under the impression that MDMA gets rid of the depression naturally. The actual fact is, sometimes MDMA use can actually bring in depression so acute that many people tend to term the Tuesday following the weekend of MDMA pill as suicide Tuesday. However, this also has something to do with the nature of MDMA use, such as considering the aspect whether you are combining MDMA use with alcoholism or not. MDMA Information Perhaps another piece of MDMA information will be even more useful if you are aware of the fact that the underground drug laboratories where MDMA is manufactured ,often amalgamate pure MDMA with heroin or cocaine, so the abusive nature of this other drugs also comes into consideration while you ascertain the depression caused by MDMA. However, if you are a user of MDMA, you probably already know that once you take the MDMA pill, you constantly feel a subconscious desire to roll again. Why that happens if you are wondering, then dear reader, this article can give you some very useful information on this subject. MDMA Effects Of course, at this point it is also important to clarify that article intends to be a harm reduction tool, rather than propagating the use of any banned pill. The pills ...

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MDMA Tolerance

MDMA or ecstasy is a banned drug and whatever you have heard about the abusive effects of MDMA is true. MDMA is not a natural antidepressant in itself and it does have a lethality dose. When you look up for MDMA information over the net such as how long does MDMA tolerance lasts in the brain, you should be aware of the fact that you are actually looking up to the critical balance between recreational dose and lethality dose in your brain. MDMA Effects The differentiation between lethality dose and recreational dose is precisely the differentiation between life and death, so it may be perhaps useful if you do a thorough research on ecstasy before you pop the pill or even while you are already popping the pill. But of course you are already doing that, otherwise you would not have searched for MDMA information over the net. Since your lookout for right MDMA information has brought you to this page, therefore you may find it interesting to know that this article provides you with all the useful information about MDMA tolerance that you would like to know. However, before we dig deeper into MDMA effects and tolerance issues, it is important to understand first what do we exactly mean by the word tolerance in this respect. MDMA Use When we talk about MDMA tolerance, we actually talk about the thin line between MDMA use and abuse. Although, in this context it should be fair to clear the air about ...

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MDMA Dangers To Fertility

Sex is defined as an act which is carried between two partners for pleasure. Besides, it is also referred to as a natural process with the help of which, a woman can become pregnant and a couple can take their family generations forward. But there are many couples who in spite of active sex relations for more than 12 months fail to plan their family. Infertility seems to be a simple word, but in real is a quite stressful time span of life. Infertility can be caused due to any reason; due to a defect in reproductive cells or may be by the use of recreational and prescription drugs. Many times use of natural antidepressant tablets is also blamed for this. Doctors these days prescribe strong antibiotics and steroids to patients to get them relieved from their pain but most of the times do not realize the side effects that these drugs leave behind. MDMA Effects Something similar happens with MDMA, which is an entactogenic drug of the amphetamine and phenethylamine class of drugs and is used for inducing euphoria. Couples trying to motivate their sense of intimacy for others use MDMA but ignore the MDMA dangers linked to it. MDMA is known as an effective natural antidepressant tablet for diminishing anxiety, jealousy and hostility and it is also popular for provoking a strong sense of inner peace and self acceptance. MDMA, also termed as Ecstasy is largely consumed by many couple for motivating their desire for sex. However, when ...

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MDMA Side Effects

MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), also known as ecstasy, love drug, E, and XTC is a drug that is most commonly used at clubs and parties because it induces high levels of serotonin which gives off psychedelic experiences and boosts sensation. Long Term Effects of MDMA The long-term effects of MDMA are more damaging to the physical and mental health of the body than the short term ones. Within 30 to 45 minutes, the MDMA takes into effect. Right away, your mood will enhance and you will feel great. Sensations are heightened, and people have a strong urge to touch other people. MDMA is also called the love drug because it causes people to become very intimate. Many say that MDMA causes people to feel extremely horny, yet MDMA prohibits sexual function and causes men to become incapable of an erection. Other side effects of MDMA include: jaw clenching- which is why many MDMA users suck on pacifiers to avoid this problem. Other side effects of MDMA are extreme restlessness, resulting in people dancing for hours, loss of appetite and insomnia. MDMA Use MDMA use will also cause users to over heart. Their body temperatures are fluctuating and may lead to dehydration. It is advised that people stay hydrated but to avoid drinking too much water which can lead to water intoxication. Mixing alcohol or other drugs while taking MDMA can also induce vomiting. However, frequent MDMA use will lead to different side effects. Eventually, users establish a tolerance for MDMA and are ...

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