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Tag Archives: low serotonin

Serotonin Definition

Serotonin definition compiled from different medical sources describes it as ‘ a chemical compound existent in human beings as well as animals that assumes the role of a hormone as well as a neurotransmitter’. It is commonly known to be occurring in the brain; however serotonin has also been detected in the intestinal walls of human beings, as well as in blood platelets or other constricted blood vessels. Serotonin Information Hormones are chemical substances or messengers that are produced in one part of the body and transported to another target organ or tissues, through blood circulation and regulate their functions by modifying their structures or behavior. Serotonin as a hormone is responsible for regulating respiration, cardiovascular functions, muscle movements and controlling blood clots by regulating the activity of blood clot cells known as platelets. It also affects the process of digestion by regulating the passage of food in the intestine. Serotonin definition also includes its role as a neurotransmitter as benefits to something like cuddling for depression for example. A neurotransmitter is responsible for sending chemical signals from one nerve to other nerves, cells, muscles or organs. In other words, they may be described as the mediators between the brain cells and the human nervous system. Serotonin, as a neurotransmitter is believed to control memory, hunger, varying moods, sleep etc. in human beings. Effects Of Imbalance In Serotonin Levels A healthy level of serotonin is essential to the well being of individuals and goes a long way as how to ...

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Serotonin Deficiency

Not many people are aware of the fact that depression is also a result of serotonin deficiency. For majority of the people, depression is mostly associated with a particular incident or an event like your girlfriend and depression. It is also related to aspects like loss of love or even a financial loss. Depression is one of the few health complications that are a result of numerous causes and possibilities. In most cases, it is only the suffering individual who is aware about the exact cause. Hence, diagnosis of depression is a tough task, especially if the suffering individual decides not to co-operate. Serotonin Deficiency Effects Serotonin deficiency leads to depression. As the level of serotonin starts falling down, the individual starts feeling a lot more stress. Serotonin is basically a chemical present in the human brain and from a lack of tryptophan in your diet as well. If the level of this chemical is good enough, the person remains upbeat about things and depression does not tend to harm him/her. In most cases, serotonin deficiency is experienced by individuals who have had certain issues in the past. For instance – a person who has been a victim of child abuse will usually have low level of serotonin. It is also noticed amongst people who happen to witness a terrible incidence. For instance – a person who witnessed a terrorist attack or a harsh natural disaster would show signs of serotonin deficiency. Low Serotonin Low serotonin can have adverse effects ...

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Serotonin Supplements

Depression is a health complication that has a lot to do with human behavior, mindset or a hormonal imbalance. Depression can be a result of a sad past or due to witnessing a particular incidence or an event. It can also be a result of losing someone very close to the heart. A number of people also go into the state of depression due to poor performance or even financial loss. Not many people are aware of the fact that reduction in the level of serotonin also leads to depression. Serotonin is a chemical that is found in the human brain. As the level of serotonin goes down, a person starts falling prey to aspects like stress and anxiety which eventually leads to depression. So is there any way that serotonin can be increased inside the brain? Can a person maintain the level of serotonin on the higher side? Serotonin Supplements Information Being a chemical, serotonin is not available in its original version. In order to consume this chemical, you should ideally look for serotonin supplements like tyrosine. Serotonin supplements are available on the internet. It is important though for you to make use of a website that is known to sell top quality supplements. Make sure you opt for the best brand. Ideally, you should consume this supplement only if you are facing a deficiency. If the serotonin level in your brain happens to be good, there is no real reason for you to consume this supplement as it ...

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Natural Serotonin

Serotonin is a chemical that is present in the human brain. The chemical is directly responsible for the mood of the individual. If the level of serotonin is maintained well, the person usually is upbeat about life and experiences happiness. On the other hand, a person with low level of serotonin will usually suffer from something like clinical depression for example. He/she will be prone to experiencing excessive stress and anxiety. The person will also be prone to sleep disorder. Serotonin Levels It is very much possible to increase the level of serotonin. There are different ways through which this chemical can be increased like fruits for mood. Out of the number of ways, natural serotonin increasing methods are preferred by many. One of the best ways of experiencing a natural serotonin boost is to exercise on a regular basis. It has been medically proven that regular exercise has a lot to do with the mood of the person. It is believed that by indulging in daily exercise sessions, a person gives himself a better chance to stay happy. According to experts, the prime reason why exercise is an effective natural serotonin boost method is because the person can actually get rid of the emotions while indulging in physical tasks. Usually, depressed people do tend to suffer from frustration as well. It is important to find an outlet so that the frustration gets thrown out of the body. Exercise offers the perfect outlet. Natural Serotonin Supplements You can even look ...

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Low Serotonin

Depression is a disease. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from this disease is on a drastic rise. Hence, it is important that you are fighting depression as long as it afflicts you. However, in order to eliminate any kind of disorder, one has to understand its causes. It is recommended that the rootcause of the disorder is identified. Low serotonin is one of the most common reasons of depression. What Does Low Serotonin Mean Serotonin is a chemical present inside the brain. Ideally, the overall level of this chemical should be on the higher side. More serotonin literally means that the individual tends to think more positive. It has been stated that majority of the people who suffer from prolonged depression or OCD have shown low serotonin levels in their brains. Fortunately, low serotonin is a condition which can certainly be treated. It is similar to different vitamin deficiency conditions. As the level of this chemical starts to build up inside the brain, the person starts gaining positive energy and depression seems to fade off. Low Serotonin Signs One of the most common low serotonin signs is lack of sleep. Serotonin is responsible for offering good amount of sleep to the individual. The moment the level of this chemical starts dropping down, the person start experiencing irregular sleep. The sleep pattern is totally disturbed. Usually, the person starts sleeping in patches. It is also observed that the person develops a tendency to start walking in sleep. In such a ...

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What Is Serotonin

Human Body comprises of different parts. It also comprises of different chemicals. Each chemical is important and eventually plays a vital role in the overall function of the body. It is therefore important that the level of each chemical is maintained. If the level of one of the chemicals falls below, it can have an adverse impact on the overall functioning of the body. Serotonin What is serotonin? This is a question that usually pops up in the minds of many people especially those suffering from teen depression. In simple words, serotonin is a chemical. It is located in the human brain. It is known to be one of the most important chemicals in the human body. According to medical science, serotonin has a direct relation with the mood of the individual. If the level of serotonin is relatively low, the person tends to get depressed. His/her energy levels also start falling down. Overall, the person becomes extremely low about life. On the other hand, if the level of serotonin is maintained well, the person seems to be more energetic. It is also believed that proven that people who are happier in life are the ones with high levels of serotonin. Low Serotonin Low serotonin can lead to a number of problems. At times there is an explanation about serotonin from something like an online depression support group. Usually, once the serotonin levels start to drop down, the person starts experiencing issues with sleep. The sleeping pattern is no longer ...

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Serotonin Boost

There are many ways to gain a serotonin boost without the need for prescription drugs. This article will provide a brief overview of appropriate serotonin levels as well as implications of low serotonin in the brain. It will conclude with three tips to help your body naturally gain a serotonin boost. Serotonin Levels Each individual has an appropriate and different serotonin level. If you’re looking for a serotonin boost you need to pay more attention to the symptoms indicated below than your actual serotonin level. The only way to find out if you are suffering from low levels is by identifying and attempting to treat your symptoms. If the steps you take seem to improve your ailment, then you have identified as low serotonin levels. If not, you are suffering from something else. Low Serotonin Low serotonin can cause a variety of issues. It may cause gastrointestinal difficulties, as serotonin is essential in regulating peristalsis (the movement of the intestines that helps to push food through the intestinal tract). It is produced in the brain and is an essential neurotransmitter. Also it’s important to keep up with all the ingredients and reviews like an l-theanine review as well. Low serotonin levels can lead to clinical depression, as this organic compound is required for appropriate and natural elevated moods. Increase Serotonin You can increase serotonin by following these five simple suggestions: 1.Decrease protein levels in the diet Too much protein can cause a flood of compounds in the blood that compete ...

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Serotonin is a vital organic chemical for many vital body functions. The majority of the serotonin found in your body is located in your gut, where it helps to control movement of the intestines. This explains why many people suffering from depression also find it difficult to eat and keep down their food. It has been well known for some time that a shortage of serotonin in the brain will cause a person to develop clinical depression. This article will provide further details about appropriate serotonin levels, how to gain a serotonin boost, and several natural serotonin supplements. Serotonin Levels Appropriate serotonin levels vary from person to person. Some people find their health and mood perfectly fine with lower levels than others. In some cases, increases in serotonin levels beyond what is naturally acceptable for their physiology can cause psychological issues, including thoughts of suicide. There are a number of difficulties with calculating the appropriate serotonin levels in one individual when compared to another. The best way to find out exactly what your appropriate levels should be is by consulting with a physician. Gaining a Serotonin Boost There are several suggested methods for a serotonin boost. One involves changing your diet. Foods rich in protein can prevent some of the basic building blocks of serotonin from entering the brain, where it is produced. This is because there are many other important chemicals in protein rich foods that compete with serotonin’s building blocks when entering the brain. Carbohydrate-dense meals can help ...

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