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Tag Archives: low serotonin cure

Low Serotonin

Depression is a disease. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from this disease is on a drastic rise. Hence, it is important that you are fighting depression as long as it afflicts you. However, in order to eliminate any kind of disorder, one has to understand its causes. It is recommended that the rootcause of the disorder is identified. Low serotonin is one of the most common reasons of depression. What Does Low Serotonin Mean Serotonin is a chemical present inside the brain. Ideally, the overall level of this chemical should be on the higher side. More serotonin literally means that the individual tends to think more positive. It has been stated that majority of the people who suffer from prolonged depression or OCD have shown low serotonin levels in their brains. Fortunately, low serotonin is a condition which can certainly be treated. It is similar to different vitamin deficiency conditions. As the level of this chemical starts to build up inside the brain, the person starts gaining positive energy and depression seems to fade off. Low Serotonin Signs One of the most common low serotonin signs is lack of sleep. Serotonin is responsible for offering good amount of sleep to the individual. The moment the level of this chemical starts dropping down, the person start experiencing irregular sleep. The sleep pattern is totally disturbed. Usually, the person starts sleeping in patches. It is also observed that the person develops a tendency to start walking in sleep. In such a ...

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