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Tag Archives: herbal anxiety

Herbal Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety is a common mental disorder of our society. Each one of us faces anxiety attacks throughout our life. Anxiety is basically a feeling of fear, worry, tension and distressed and effects of stress. However, it is different from fear. It is further sub categorized into its four forms namely, phobia, and panic disorders. Whereas, anxiety is the predominant factor of all the categories. Anxiety Effects In a way, anxiety is a feeling of preparing us for future threats. And getting worried about the danger is also a normal reaction. However, when this feeling becomes constant, then it will create problems and disturb your whole life. You cannot pay attention at your work place neither you can give time to your family. This miserable feeling will force you to get isolated and become helpless. The bodily complaints accompanied by anxiety makes it more severe and worst and a sincere desire of relief from anxiety. Nausea, diarrhea, sweating, trembling, high pulse rate, confusion, wooziness, muscle weakness, body aching – what not! All these symptoms make you weak, not only physically but also mentally. Your social relations get disturbed and your personality will become a question mark to your own self. Long Term Anxiety The situation gets worse when anxiety directly attacks your thought processes. Your positive thoughts start turning into negative ones. You feel yourself a useless creature having no importance for others. You feel like you are a burden on society and no one cares for you. From family to ...

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