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Tag Archives: gaba dangers

GABA Dangers

GABA also known as Gamma Amino Butyric Acid is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the human body. It ensures the proper functioning of human brain and nervous and its deficiency could lead to many complications depression supplements. People suffering from depression and anxiety tend to have reduced the level of GABA in their brain. Under such Circumstances, they are forced to look for an outside source that could help them in boosting the level of GABA. GABA Effects There are many depression natural remedies in order to take a firm control over the persistent feelings such as sadness and hopelessness such as yoga. However, many people prefer to use supplements of GABA depression products to induce sleep and relaxation. If the proper dosage of GABA supplements is taken after consulting physician then most probably, the patient will not have to face any side effects. On the other hand, an over dosage of GABA could also lead to many complications. Higher dose of GABA tend to effect major portion of the human brain that is responsible for the breathing and heartbeat. Side effects like mild stomach irritation, changes in heart rate, tingling or flushing skin are the most common faced by patients. If stopped, these side effects are reduced with the passage of time. Sometimes, even a normal dosage of GABA could cause drowsiness. GABA could induce analgesia, relaxation and sleep thus takes a firm control over the excitement caused by the human brain that might lead to insomnia, restlessness, ...

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