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Tag Archives: causes of stress

Financial Stress

All of us go through financial stress at some point in life no matter how poor or rich we are. The needs of each one of us is different and so is our response to stressful situations. Statistics show that the percentage of people experiencing finance related acute stress is going up and this shows that people are unable to manage financial stress symptoms effectively. Stress related to finance is initiated by various factors such as the on-going economic slow-down, mortgage crisis, rising cost of food and gas and rising tuition fee. Stress due to inability to manage finances leads to many health related issues such as trouble with sleeping, anxiety and cardiac issues. To avoid getting into health issues, it is necessary to monitor symptoms and reach out for financial stress treatment on time. Symptoms Of Stress Related To Finance When a person is under extreme stress due to financial issues, he or she exhibits a range of symptoms and really are avoiding stress instead of relieving it. Financial stress is one of the major reasons that compel people to reach out for addictions and compulsions such as over eating, smoking, drinking and drugs. These coping behaviors are unhealthy and may further lead to physical health issues taking them deeper into trouble. When a person is under severe stress, he or she tends to neglect their physical health. They are not motivated to visit a doctor and address their financial stress symptoms especially if they are constrained by their ...

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Stress Test

Stress can affect the heart adversely. In order to keep a check over stress level, it is very important to conduct a stress test. People who are already suffering with heart problem must go through the stress test. The stress test basically provides doctor with the information about the state of heart and its functioning during stress and relieving anxiety. Although there are stress natural remedies to avoid bad heart state but even then conducting a stress test can help diagnose all the heart problems that might be unknown otherwise. The stress test can be long as long as 3 hours but normally it takes only one hour to conduct it. Stress Test In a stress test the patient is asked to exercise at the outset. The exercise could be jogging on the treadmill or to pedal a bicycle. These exercises cause the heart beat fast and the circulation of the blood in body also get faster. During this stressful physical condition, the doctor monitors patient’s heart by attaching electrodes to chest, legs or arms and viewing the heart activity on the monitor. The breathing activity during the stress tests is also very important and is closely observed by the doctor. Any problem in breathing would indicate an abnormal heart activity, which can in turn indicate towards Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)/ Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Coronary Heart Disease Coronary heart disease cannot be diagnosed under normal conditions; it can only be diagnosed when the heart is made to work harder, ...

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Effects of Stress

A stressful condition has a deep impact over a person and it alters many aspects about him. Those aspects include his behavior, mental response and physical response, which can ultimately influence the health too and reasons for stress mostly. Apart from the causes, reasons and types of stress, effects of stress is another widely acknowledged subject. Taking stress as a shallow notion is not an advisable approach; instead, it is more affable that one thinks about stress more deeply by minding its causes and effects to gain better stress management skills that can prove to be very helpful in life, when encountering various situations, problems and challenges. Detailed discussion about these two categories of stress will help understand and deal with stress in a better way. Firstly the physical effects of stress: Hypertension During a stressful situation, it is very common to experience high blood pressure and an increased rate of heartbeat. Many times this a sign that a natural anxiety remedy might be an avenue for recovery. One might feel uneasy by hypertension, as it can emphasize the effect of stress and negative thrill. For a heart patient, this situation can be dangerous as the state of hypertension during stress can cause uneasiness to the heart too. Stomach Trouble Some people feel a great stomach trouble during stress, which can affect their digestive system and make the system uncomfortable causing loss of appetite and abnormal defecation too. Muscle Aches Although we feel stressful from our brains, but even then ...

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Reasons for Stress

The reasons for stress and what is stress can be different for a person depending upon his age group and conditions. If stress reasons are divided into three broad categories then it would be as: -Stress at Workplace -Family problems and Domestic Stress -Academics and Stress of Students These reasons for stress are further elaborated as: Stress at Workplace The tasks, competition and deadlines at the workplace are the major reason for stress. Workplace environment can trigger stress in so many ways. Being over-burdened with the office tasks is the primary cause of stress, where the employee fails to cope up with the assignment. There could be many reasons for it including poor time management, procrastination and unrealistic deadlines. The situation of contemporary recession has made the employees’ job security cynical that ultimately leads to stress. The pressure of promotion and acquiring a better position among peers is yet another reason of stress. In order to increase one’s market value people tend to enroll in different courses to acquire a variety of skills and perform multitasking. Due to such stressful competition lives have become complicated than ever. Things can balance out if the co-workers show high moral values and do not trip their colleagues up but unfortunately, such work environment is a far away thought as contemporary, the blame culture, bullying, and lack of support network has become a norm in the work places causing stress and desperation. Usually attempts at a stress relief supplement are made at this point. ...

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What is Stress

Stress is any state that overwhelms a person, negatively or positively. Most of the times we consider stress as a negative feeling because commonly stressed is felt because of the things, situations and people that are unwanted or unfavorable for us. The compelling feeling that makes one do the undesired puts stress over him and he, unwillingly feels bounded by it. Stress is also used as a synonym for tension and any state of unhappiness and discontent. Contrary to this and the medical answer to “what is stress” is that and also anxiety effects on your mind, it is known to be a state of mind that is influenced by both external and internal factors. External situations can put a person under stress and that stress could be thrilling and positive too. Positive Stress People may ask that what is stress, which is termed as positive stress? The answer is very simple. In any situation, you must think that what type of effect is the situation is causing upon you. If it is exciting you and making you look forward to something, then it will be called as positive stress. Growing popularity about treating stress with herbs is very real as well. Suppose, there is going to be an event in your school, college, office or family and you are very excited about it. This excitement will keep you in a high spirit all the times, and one will feel energetic about discussing, preparing and imagining about that event. Putting ...

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Stress Related Effects On Your Mood

Stress in life is quite a normal reaction towards threatening situations. In a way, it is positive as it keeps you alert before dangerous situations. However, it becomes negative when you face challenging situations again and again without any relief and relaxation. Consequently, your social functioning gets disturbed, you will become under stress and tension will start overcoming you affecting your whole life. However, sometimes stress is more than just an emotional state. The minor stresses based on daily life can establish one set of mood disturbances. For example if you have poor social relationships, you might be found in a state of stress quite often and a time comes when this daily stress tends to change in a state of ‘distress’. You become irritated, isolated, aggravate and rude. Thus, stress effects on mood keeps you distress and anxious after every short span of time. Consequently, your physical health also gets affected and you will feel numb, woozy, down and low. Body aches and significant bodily complaints are also accompanied by the state of distress. Stress effects on mood tend to take you into the world of mood swings where you never know how you will be going to react in different situations. In addition, sometimes, these stress effects on mood can bring serious and dangerous consequences for you, as well as for your loved ones. In a nutshell, stress related effects on your mood or a mood disorder could make you totally a different person than you actually are. ...

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Presently, stress is a commonly used term and also the most excessively experienced state of emotion. We say it and feel it every now and then. The reason is that the conditions and environment have changed dramatically since the past years. Life has not remained simpler anymore. Today there is more competition, demands, goals, insecurities and fantasies that have ultimately led mankind towards stress and the effects of mood disorder. Today talking about stress has become an absolutely normal thing as people have accepted it as part and parcel of life and little talk about stress management is there, which is an inappropriate culture. Every person must mind the roots of his stress, basing upon his age group, profession, nature and gender. If age group, one’s nature, profession and gender are brought into account then the stress can be divided into three major categories. Teen Stress It can be termed as the “first phase of stress in life”. As the person steps into puberty, he encounters many pressures and stresses not just due to external changes but also due to internal changes. Internal changes play the most significant role in teen stress, as the hormonal and chemical changes experienced by the teen cause emotional fluctuations. Mood swings, hyper activity or loss of interest are some of the most prominent features of the emotional fluctuations. Teen stress can be amplified due to academic pressure and to add more complexity to this age, love arrives. The relationships in the teen group can ...

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Causes of Stress

It is very important to determine the source of the problem if one wishes to correct it. Similarly, without knowing the definite causes of stress, it is almost impossible to cure it. Today with the advent of technology and information, life has become tougher and stressful and so it has become important for every individual to address their causes of stress to lead a peaceful life. There is not any hard and fast cause of stress as it varies person-to-person depending upon their environment, situations and endurance. Poor time-management This is one of the key causes of stress. People who fail to manage time easily fall prey to stress. Poor time management puts an undue burden on the person as they fail to prioritize their tasks, which can ultimately beget procrastination. Uses of remedies to help calm you like rose hips are always a benefit to you. Appropriate task prioritization, correct time division and focusing completely on one task at a time can work as wondrous stress natural remedies and help you to gain confidence and harmony. Lack of acceptance People with a rigid mindset are more prone to stress as compared to the people who easily come to terms with the changing situations. Such type of stress can be termed as the “self-imposed stress” as the person chooses to be stressful willingly. The adaptability towards a particular situation frees one from the burden of being in an unlikely and critical state. Unhealthy Lifestyle An unhealthy lifestyle can cause a ...

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