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Tag Archives: bipolar disorder information

Bipolar Disorder Facts

Also called manic depression, bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood changes, changes in thinking pattern, energy levels and behavior. Bipolar disorder facts show that symptoms of this condition could present very abruptly or may develop gradually like social anxiety over a period of time right from childhood or adolescence. If untreated, facts about bipolar disorder show that teens suffering from this condition will suffer from depression and mania. These extreme mood swings usually occur in cycles and may last for weeks, days or even hours. Bipolar disorder information however reveals that this condition may not affect all patients in the same manner which means symptom could differ from patient to patient in terms of duration, intensity and frequency. Treatment options like stress relief exercises for bipolar disorder include medication, lifestyle choices and therapy. People suffering from bipolar disorder symptoms could get great relief by sticking to a specific treatment plan. Mania Symptoms Bipolar disorder facts show that common symptoms exhibited by patients during the manic phase include racing thoughts and speech, inflated sense of importance or grandiosity extremely inappropriate happiness due to elevated mood, psychosis and hallucinations, poor judgment, reckless behavior, decreased sleep, excessive distraction, hostility and irritability and talking more than usual. Depression Symptoms Facts about bipolar disorder show that depressive stage of this condition manifests in the form of a series of symptoms such as irritability, agitation, withdrawal from favorite activities, lack of pleasure in anything, change in appetite, weight gain or weight loss, loss of energy ...

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Bipolar Disorder Causes

Bipolar disorder is a life debilitating mental condition affecting thousands of people across the world.  Doctors believe that bipolar disorder causes could be many but have not been able to conclusively identify them around something like lifestyle changes. Rather, there is a broad spectrum understanding of the causes of this condition that ranges between the extremes of mania to major depression. Many experts feel that genetic component is one of the major causes of bipolar disorder. On-going research studies show that lifestyle issues and environment could make this condition severe. Reasons for bipolar disorder such as drug or alcohol abuse or any other stressful conditions could make this mental illness very difficult to treat. Relationship Between Bipolar Disorder And The Brain Our brains have a series of chemicals called neurotransmitters. The three major neurotransmitters include serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine and all of them play a major role in brain and bodily functions. They are also enhanced once you spend time around positive people. Imbalance in the levels of serotonin or noradrenaline could be one of the major bipolar disorder causes as both are directly linked to psychiatric mood disorders. The pleasure system of our brain is controlled by the chemical dopamine. Severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia and psychosis are linked to imbalance of dopamine in the system. Both these conditions are characterized by illogical behaviors and thought patterns and distortions in reality. According to researchers imbalanced levels of serotonin could be one of the leading causes of bipolar disorder ...

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Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

All of us face ups and downs in our lives but quickly recover and bounce back to normalcy. Bipolar disorder diagnosis shows that patients suffering from this condition are unable to get back to normalcy and usually experience severe peaks and valleys. Symptoms of this condition can greatly affect the patient’s functioning at school or job and also cause major damages to relationships. Nowadays, a depression quiz a good tool to use to get a diagnosis of this condition as well. Apart from this, they face disruptions of day to day life. Recognizing the symptoms early and diagnosing bipolar disorder is the first step towards management and recovery. For this, it is first important to learn what are the bipolar disorder symptoms, how to recognize the problem early and how to choose the best treatment option. About Bipolar Disorder Commonly referred to as manic depression, bipolar disorder is associated with severe mood shifts, changes in thinking, energy and behavior. Patients may experience lows of depression on the one end and highs of mania on the other like a situational stress in a way. These symptoms are not just fleeting mood shifts. Cycles alternate for days, weeks or even months. The mood changes are so intense that it becomes imperative for patients to reach out for quick bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder Some of the behavioral symptoms associated with manic episodes include impulsive behavior such as quitting the job, sleeping for hours and charging a lot of ...

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Bipolar Disorder Definition

By the bipolar disorder definition, bipolar disorder is a manic-depressive psychological illness. This means that it is a disease that is psychological in nature and causes drastic mood swings between mania, the opposite of relaxation and depression. Going by the bipolar disorder definition, the disease may seem relatively easy to spot. However, taking a closer look at the symptoms of bipolar disorder and other bipolar disorder information reveals why this disease is so hard to tackle. Bipolar Disorder Information To begin with, just like depression and several other psychological disorders, bipolar disorder is hard to spot and pin down in its initial stages though we have a clear bipolar disorder definition. In order to understand this dilemma, we must take a closer look at bipolar disorder information that deals with various symptoms of mania and depression prevalent in bipolar disorders. A patient going through the depressive phase of bipolar disorders experiences the lowest levels of sadness accompanied by a lack of motivation and interest in most activities. The patient may also experience a drop in concentration levels, sex drive and appetite. On the other hand, manic episodes have symptoms that are quite the opposite. They include extreme euphoria that can often be compared to a drug high. In this state, the patient feels unrealistically optimistic and positive about one’s abilities and the world in general. This can be accompanied by rapid speech, random and quickly changing thoughts and extreme behavior. While most of these symptoms are quite characteristic with bipolar ...

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Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Just like depression and many other forms of psychological disorders, no one single cause can be associated to the occurrence of bipolar disorders. Several factors play a part in causing this problem. In fact, in most cases, a number of coexisting factors come together to as causes of bipolar disorder in patients. Environmental, neurochemical as well as genetic factors come into play at several levels to cause bipolar disorder effects and types of stress. According to current beliefs, bipolar disorders are caused primarily by neurotransmitter malfunction in the brain as it exists in the form of a biological disorder that may lie dormant in the patient for years together. A stressor may be responsible for activating it spontaneously at any point. The following are primary causes of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorder Hereditary Bipolar disorder can be genetic in nature meaning that it may run in the family. So, an individual whose parent suffered from bipolar disorder has a 15-20% chance of suffering from the same. Similarly, occurrence of the disorder is also seen quite often in identical twins. As mentioned earlier, causes of bipolar disorder are also usually physiological in nature and try to reduce stress. The disorder is brought about by the dysfunction of a particular part of the brain that handles neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine and their inactivity or hyperactivity may be responsible for several bipolar disorder effects. Environmental Factors and Bipolar Disorder Environmental factors may also be responsible for the onset of bipolar ...

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Bipolar Disorder Low Sex Drive

Before you can get a clear idea of bipolar low sex drive, it is essential to understand what a bipolar disorder actually is. Bipolar disorders are psychological in nature and are normally characterized by two ends of the behavioral and mood spectrum. In other words, patients of bipolar disorders feel intense depression melancholia causes at one moment and euphoric happiness the very next. The frequency of these mood swings varies from person to person and may also have varying effects on the individual. This is where bipolar low sex drive comes into the picture. Sex drive is directly influenced by mood swings and the corresponding chemicals in the brain so it is but obvious for a person suffering from bipolar disorders to experience a change in sex drive as well. The effects of bipolar disorders can also vary. For example, an individual may experience a sudden boost in sex drive or even sex addiction during manic phases. On the other hand, depressive phases may lead the same individual to lose interest in sex completely. We are only going to discuss bipolar disorder low sex drive to start with. Bipolar Disorders And Low Sex Drive Are Intricately Connected Patients of bipolar disorders usually experience a drop in libido during depressive phases and this could carry forward to the manic episodes as well. While these symptoms may be temporary or permanent like during serotonin syndrome treatment, they are going to have a lasting effect on the patient’s relationship with his/her partner. The ...

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Bipolar Disorder Low Libido

When speaking of bipolar disorders, most people only focus on manic episodes and their effects. Take sex drive for example. Many people going through manic episodes experience a sudden boost in sex drive that can lead up to even sex addiction. However, this is only one end of the spectrum. There is a whole other side to bipolar disorders as well like natural depression treatment. Depression episodes are known to be responsible for bipolar low libido and the connection is pretty clear and simple. Depression causes imbalance in brain chemical activity which is directly responsible for sex drive. As a result of this, bipolar low libido is quite a common problem with many individuals. Bipolar Disorder Effects Either way, bipolar disorders can cause a great amount of problem in couples’ sex lives. When a person suffers from bipolar disorder low libido can raid havoc on personal life as well. The disorder leads to individuals experiencing a lack of attraction and interest in one’s partner and is reminiscent of serotonin syndrome as well. This may also lead to the individual feeling repulsed with his/her partner’s appearance. All these effects of bipolar disorder low libido are extremely stressing on relationships and have been the leading cause for many marriages and relationship to land up at a dead end. Depression Effects on Sex In fact, depression and hypo-sexuality may lead the individual to fall into a quick sand of depression which only gets worse. Even people who indulge in excess of sex during ...

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Do People With Bipolar Disorder Lie Compulsively

Based on the bipolar disorder information and researches, there is an association between lying and the bipolar disorder serotonin. It is not quite a common experience for those living or often interacting patients with bipolar disorder to become irritated at lies told by the bipolar disorder patient. However bipolar disorder and lying often seem to go hand in hand for most of the manic-depressives but this association is also grounded in more than a single source. The disorder can be much like depression but there is proper bipolar disorder medication available to completely treat the disorder. However if you are experiencing minor depression then a natural antidepressant can be the right solution. Lying can be out of fear One of the main reasons for the link between bipolar disorder and lying can be fear. Almost every lie is associated with fear or to the fear of some possible punishment. In fact it is the affair to be punished for the wrongs or mistakes done inadvertently or knowingly. So, refusing one’s role and when caught, is natural and what are some mild anxiety signs.  Those suffering from manic-depressives are more prone to commit mistakes like promiscuity, reckless behavior and extravagance and so devising lies for apology is also natural for manic-depressives. These can also be some of the bipolar disorder symptoms that you need to check, although they are not quite common. Gather attention There are also some other bipolar disorder symptoms associated to lying that you need to understand before ...

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Is There a Quick Fix for Bipolar Disorder

In case you have bipolar disorder then taking medicate is the solution in reducing the severity and frequency of mood episodes but it is usually not the only option in treatment. The bipolar disorder medications are most effective when they are used in conjunction with a therapy and healthy lifestyle choices that includes exercise, diet and developing a social support network and anxiety effects. However these factors can even affect the amount of medication needed and it also plays a crucial role in managing the bipolar disorder symptoms of depression and mania without causing painful side effects. However if you are experiencing minor depression and mood swings then a nature antidepressant can be the perfect quick fix. Bipolar Disorder Treatment However there are not many quick fix methods available to treat this disorder. With the right and accurate bipolar disorder informant can help you think some natural and home remedies that can help in the treatment. However if you have been diagnosed to have bipolar disorder then it is necessary you opt for necessary treatment rather than just managing the disorder with natural antidepressant. When you are properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist they would be able to offer you the right bipolar disorder medication based on your condition and why exercise may be a natural antidepressant. You might have also wondered about the regular ads seen on TV regarding depression and bipolar disorders and thought that these conditions are as simple as taking the medicine in treating. Almost everyone knows ...

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Who Discovered Bipolar Disorder

The world believes that bipolar disorder has been recently discovered unlike natural antidepressants, which have been in use since ancient times to cure diseases. However, this is not the case; it would come to a shock to you when I would say that bipolar disorder was discovered 150 years ago during the time of Hippocrates. However, during the ancient times, bipolar disorder was not what it is known today, it was known as manic depression and with passage of time and research, who discovered atypical depression, the doctors of the technology century came up with the word bipolar disorder. During the ancient times, they started by recognizing depression with what is known as the black bile. With the passage of time, different names started developing for bipolar disorder. Natural Antidepressants Just like the natural antidepressants or what is the best treatment for social phobia we use today, initially they used to be considered as herbs. Knowing that only we can find more bipolar disorder information, we can also find complete history. To give name for the discovery of bipolar disorder to one person will not be satisfactory. This is because with the passage of time, many specialists have come up with their own research which adds up to the bipolar disorder symptoms mood boosters and bipolar disorder medication research. Thus, even for doctors, these bipolar disorder information provided to them work for their advantage. The reason behind is that when it comes to bipolar disorder medication research, they need to ...

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