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Tag Archives: anxiety reasons

Reasons for Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of anxiousness, fear, distress and worry. This common mental disorder affects almost everyone around in the society. It affects your whole personality if it gets worse or more severe. However, it cannot be confused with fear because fear is a completely different thing. Many times even taking an anxiety test is also best for understanding your specific situation. When you are affected by anxiety, you are frightened by any external or internal stimulus but you are not aware of that particular situation which is making you anxious. Anxiety Symptoms Literally, thousands of researches have been done to encounter the causes for anxiety disorder but as its symptoms vary from person to person and situation-to-situation; it is quite difficult to describe the reasons for anxiety precisely. More often, anxiety affects you when something happens in your life, which you have not expected before. The proportion of any particular incident is much more than you have expected and then pours into stress reasons for which there are hard to come by explanations. Sometimes, you will get anxiety attacks when you are afraid of any reactions in a particular situation. A number of situations and factors become the reason for anxiety. They can be environmental factors, social obstructions, physical obstructions, genes, personal obstructions, substance abuse, different conflicts etc. Let us just look at these reasons for anxiety in detail. What Are The Reasons For Anxiety As we have mentioned earlier, there are a number of reasons for anxiety disorder ...

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