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Tag Archives: anxiety physical effects

Anxiety Related Effects on Your Body

Anxiety disorder is a new and major replacement to the old term neurosis. It has been sub- categorized into four categories known as, panic, phobia, obsessive compulsive disorders and generalized anxiety disorders. However, whatever the type of anxiety disorder you are suffering from; anxiety is the most obtrusive factor of all of them. Depression and drug addiction are one of the major cause leading anxiety disorders and stress related effects on your mind. However, biological, sociological and genetic factors play their own parts in making this disorder more annoying and awful for you. Anxiety Symptoms You might feel irritated, isolated, insomniac and uncontrollable. Sometimes you feel helpless, weird and hopeless. You find no way out to get out of that awful feeling making you sick weak and anxious—yes! This is what anxiety is. It will make you go crazy and disturb your whole life. Literally thousands of researches have done to find out the causes of anxiety but it is very hard to define the causes of anxiety but still they are not properly defined. It is because of the fact that being worried to threatening situations is quite normal in life of everyone. However, anxiety occurs when these feelings of worrying and distressed becomes persistent and constant. Effects Of Anxiety On Body Anxiety effects on your body are quite unpleasant and miserable. This mental disorder will make you weak, distressed, lazy and rejected. The feeling of nausea, body swaying, difficulty in breathing, speech blocked, and body aching, accompanied by ...

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Why Does Anxiety Cause Underarm Sweat

Apart from the normal causes of under arm sweating like change in temperature, or too much weight that tend to increase perspiration or eating hot spicy food. It may be also as a result of anxiety symptoms. Anxiety basically occurs whenever you are introduce to something that you body perceives as being alien. For instance, if you are told to perform a Shakespeare poem in front of a big crowd, yet you don’t have the gist to do so. Unlike the arm sweating syndrome known as hyperhidroisis which is more permanent, sweating due to anxiety skullcap extract is a mild one and will definitely occur due to changes in social situation or due to unique circumstances that triggers the nervous system. Anxiety Symptoms And Sweating Though sweating due to anxiety symptoms may not be too profound, sometimes people seek a solution to it due to the awful smell that the sweat lingers. It is actually embarrassing when you get anxious sweating yet you have to give your first date a hand shake. It sounds devastating right? Anxious sweating sometimes goes way down to the feet, in what is termed as ‘plantar hyperhidrosis’ that can make your feet smell awful and your socks tear up in couples of days. You don’t want to be buying socks everyday; it’s one of the expensive things to do especially for men. That’s why you need anxiety information that can help you cope up. Many people will disguise anxiety based sweating with diseases and think it ...

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