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Tag Archives: agitated depression research

Agitated Depression Symptoms

There are many types of depression and it can be a difficult process to diagnose the exact type of problem the person is suffering from. Depression disorder symptoms for any of these types are quite similar and often mimic one another. However, agitated depression can show specific symptoms. In other types of depression like catatonic depression, the patient feels very tired and drained; however in agitated depression, the person feels irritated, angry, anxious and restless. Agitation is a common symptom for any type of depression disorder. In case of agitated depression, it is more severe. Understanding Agitated Depression Symptoms Relationship and financial problems are the major factors causing agitated depression. Understanding agitated depression symptoms is crucial for determining the treatment option. If a person experiences irritability, anger and agitation for several days, he/she may suffer from agitated depression. Handwringing Handwringing is one of the obvious agitation depression symptoms. The person wrings his/her hands by rubbing them in an angry way. Outbursts of Anger and Yelling The person may get angry and yell without any reason. Everyday occurrence may seem problematic to him/her and he/she may not feel that he/she cannot handle it. Insomnia The person may suffer from trouble sleeping. Sleeping problem can even aggravate the disorder. Excessive Talking Talking excessively about one or more topics may be an indication of agitated depression. The person may talk for hours and may get louder while conversing with others. Pulling on Hair, Skin or Clothing Pulling on hair, skin or clothing is ...

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