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Tag Archives: acupuncture benefits

Acupuncture for Anxiety

Even though technological innovations has made life easier by offering a plethora of comforts, many people still suffer from anxiety, stress and depression. Emotional distress is the order of the day as individuals continue to be affected by depression and anxiety due to various reasons. Good news is that there are many ways of treating depression without medication and natural treatment options like acupuncture. Treating Depression And Anxiety With Acupuncture Oriental medicine and practices like acupuncture and reflexology are based on the premise that our body and mind cannot be separated. Causes of diseases are usually a combination of environmental factors like cold, heat and wind and internal, emotional causes. Emotions like sadness, fear, anger, joy and worry can be directly correlated to the five Yin body organs. According to oriental practitioners, origins of emotions can be traced back to imbalance in any of the bodily organs. Over a period of time, the organ itself can be damaged by the emotion. By leveraging the benefits of acupuncture for anxiety and other emotional disorders, patients can be cured from the root and lead a normal, happy life. Causes Of Emotional Distress Many people suffering from anxiety disorder have experienced the positive effects of acupuncture for anxiety. Mental health today has deteriorated predominantly due to the attitude of the West that “more is better”. Some people strive to achieve their goals working till they drop from exhaustion, some others worry about their lives and work up their anxiety and eventually forget how ...

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Does Acupuncture Help Treat Depression

Where acupuncture had demonstrated its positive effect in many scientific research settings, it is not originally a scientifically originated treatment. Rather, acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing technique based on the assumptions that dysfunction and discomfort is due to an imbalance in the forces of life. The procedure involves piercing with needles at various points in the body l-trytophan effects. This is meant to balance the life forces and hence solves any physical or psychological issues that the patient faces. Acupuncture Information The method of acupuncture has shown some success in the treatment of depression. Acupuncture is a popular treatment can you get high off of l-trytophan for chronic pain that is otherwise not treated. A probable reason behind the effectiveness of an unscientific method is that the attention of the patient is directed toward the pain caused by acupuncture piercing itself and distracted from the original pain. As a result, the patient feels that the original pain has been relieved. Depression Information Depression is often accompanied by body aches, pain, and fatigue. Acupuncture is known to treat these symptoms. Therefore some consider acupuncture natural antidepressant as it alleviates depression. As acupuncture deals with fatigue and chronic pains and overall depression, it has been showing success in the treatment of depression. Acupuncture for depression treatment, or any treatment for that matter, is very much comparable to electroconvulsive therapy or “electric shocks” as we know them. As today ECT is considered unethical and is now almost obsolete, it is probable that acupuncture ...

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