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Tag Archives: 5htp anxiety relief

5HTP Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a state of uneasiness, resembling an emotion close to fear that arises due to an external or internal stimulus, which has occurred in the past and was followed by negative events. It is an emotional state of restlessness owing to an unforeseen event lurking in the future, something like attachment disorder in adults, or due to a stressful situation in the recent past. 5-HTP is a chemical derivative of the amino acid tryptophan- both of which is naturally occurring proteins in the human body and is responsible in maintaining a healthy nervous system by controlling negative moods, anxiety, depression etc.  5-HTP is the shorthand for the chemical name ‘5- hydroxytryptophan’. 5HTP For Anxiety It is a common practice for doctors to prescribe 5htp for anxiety and also valerian root benefits as well. This is because, 5HTP works by metabolizing into serotonin- a neurotransmitter that is responsible for stabilizing negative moods and feelings of anxiety. A lack of serotonin in the brain and nervous system leads to negative feelings of depression. Thus using 5HTP for anxiety effectively reduces symptoms of anxiety as it is absorbed directly into the brain, thus raising serotonin levels. In fact, it is considered to be better than tryptophan due to its quick absorption and rapid action properties due to its ability to cross blood- brain barriers at  a faster rate. Natural Sources Of 5HTP Anxiety Treatment Natural sources of 5HTP include meat proteins such as poultry-turkey, chicken, dairy products, chocolate, brown rice ...

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