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Mood Disorder Relief Remedies

It is normal for a person to face good and bad days in life but as a rule, most people despite these ups and downs tend to maintain inner calm and peace. People facing mood disorders however experience periods of intense mood swings and have emotions that are going like a yoyo. They have periods of extreme elation known as mania where they believe anything is possible followed by periods of depression where the world seems extremely bleak and even getting out of bed seems like an ordeal.

Mood Disorder Causes

The cause for mood disorder is unknown but many people who suffer from this disorder have relatives who also suffer from the same problem. So according to some theories mood disorder   could be hereditary. Other theories suggest that mood disorders are a result of drug abuse or life altering events like divorce or the death of a loved one. The symptoms of mood disorders are many and include those like poor judgment, guilt, aggression, insomnia, low esteem.

There are a few mood disorder relief remedies that are known to provide relief to patients but before these remedies can be effectively used, it is important to note when and after what activities does the patient face mood swings. Only then, one or a couple of the following mood disorder relief remedies can be used.

Drug Treatments

This is often the first thing that is used by patients suffering from bipolar disorder and includes antidepressants like Prozac and anti-seizure medicine like valproic acid. The disadvantage of using drugs as a remedy for mood disorder is that they usually have side effects some of which can be quite detrimental to health. Some antidepressants for example tend to increase blood pressure and lead to obesity.


This is another form of mood disorder relief remedy that helps you discover the triggers of depression or mania so that you can change your behavior to avoid lapses.

Electro Conclusive Therapy (ECT)

ECT is a controversial treatment for the cure of mood disorders. It has been successful in about 80% of the cases. It involves sending a shock of electricity to the brain, which causes a seizure for about 40 seconds. One side effect of ECT that makes it controversial is that it could result in memory loss.

Herbal Supplements For Mood Disorder

Herbal supplements for mood disorder and natural anxiety such as Tarentula and Hyoscyamus can be very helpful and may safely be used together with psychiatric medication without adverse effect for the treatment of mood disorders.

In deciding whether to take herbal or other remedies to cure mood disorders, certain important things need to be taken into account like patient medical history along with the side effects of each type of treatment so that the patient can be effectively treated with minimum harm.