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Molly Popularity In The Past Five Years

Molly popularity has not gone up in the past five years. Molly popularity was on the up in the nineteen nineties, but in the past five years, the popularity is waning. This is because the Molly pill and the powder are becoming expensive. For most Molly users, repeated use of the drug is wearing the novelty off. Frequent use of the drug is making the subsequent trips not as powerful as the initial ones. Another factor that has come into play here is that once the brand image has been created, the suppliers have become greedy and started cutting baking soda and even talcum powder into Molly. Many people are complaining that their initial experiences were better and that they are suspicious of the quality of Molly that they are getting nowadays.

Molly Today

Some contrasting studies done in Syracuse, New York on Molly popularity facts suggest that in some parts of the United States of America, there has been an increase in the number of teens using Molly. As per Molly popularity information reports and the National Survey on Drug Use, it is true that teen drug use has doubled in the last fifteen years and this is referring to marijuana. But at the same time, the same survey reveals that it is also true that Molly and other drug use has gone down quite a bit in the last five years. In a recent study that involved annual survey of drug abuse trends among adolescents in middle and high schools, there has been a decrease of almost fifty per cent in the high school groups. The reason for the negative attitude is cost and increased awareness about the harmful consequences associated with Molly. Young people are not buying the pitch anymore that Molly is just a natural antidepressant and an emotions’ stimulant.

Molly At Party’s and Raves

In the initial stages, Molly popularity picked up among party goers and rave club attendees. Peer pressure also played its part in adding to Molly popularity. In a club that was crowded, it was not difficult for friends to be persuaded to try Molly. Molly consumption peaked around the year 2000 and since then has been sharply declining for all age groups. There have been several causes ranging from stiff legal crackdowns on rave clubs to adulteration of the Molly drug that have contributed to its sharp decline since 2003.

Many surveys linked with Molly popularity facts have hinted that Molly had peaked in 2000 and is on the way down in demand among the recreational drug users. This is true both for local and global trends. As mentioned earlier, there has been a decrease in its repeated use as many young people have complained that they do not experience the same high as the initial trips. Other Molly users have also complained that pure Molly is becoming increasingly hard to find. An interesting study on Molly popularity information done recently has revealed that in a college group, the freshmen love it, the sophomores like it, the juniors are wavering and the seniors are scared of it. This sums up the decline in Molly popularity in the past five years.