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Molly Effects on Serotonin Receptors

Molly drug or mdma affects the serotonin receptors in a dramatic manner. If you are considering taking molly drug for recreational purposes, you should definitely be aware of the molly drug effects on your brain. That is because only by gathering sufficient molly drug information you will be able to take an informed decision about molly use and stay away from the drug. This article provides you molly drug information regarding molly drug effects on the serotonin receptors of the nerve cells in the brain. From here you will be able to know how molly affects the serotonin reuptake receptors in the synaptic junctions of the brain and also why molly itself is not a natural antidepressant substance.


Serotonin is a neurochemical that is secreted within our brain cells and they are responsible for transmitting of vital nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another. Whenever the neurons release a vital signal, serotonin is released in the synaptic junction and the signal is transmitted via serotonin from one nerve cell to another. After the signal had been transmitted the precious serotonin molecules are absorbed back into the neurons through serotonin reuptake transmitters. The molly drug effects disrupt this cycle dramatically and cause an increased secretion of serotonin in the synapse junction. Since serotonin is a vital neurotransmitter that is responsible for our mood, appetite and also the functioning of our vital organs, the increased secretion of serotonin levels cause a dramatic change in our mood and perception and also many other actions to our body.

Molly Effects

The mdma molecule actually replaces the serotonin in the serotonin reuptake transmitters, so much so that the receptors pick up mdma in preference to serotonin. This preferential reuptake of mdma heightens the serotonin secretion in three ways. First, as mdma replaces serotonin, now there is more serotonin in the synapse that is unable to enter back into the nerve cells. Second, the molly drug molecules enter the neurons and propel more serotonin from inside the brain cells to the synapse. And third, the mdma causes the receptors to work in reverse; that is the receptors now squeezes out serotonin instead of taking them inside the nerve cells. So, that is how the molly drug effects affect the serotonin receptors in the brain. Too much use of molly can actually destroy the serotonin receptors causing long-term damage to the brain.

Molly Information

Now, to the natural antidepressant part. Ecstasy or molly is not the natural antidepressant as the drug syndicates market it. It is a synthetic chemical and there is nothing natural or organic about it. Of course it uplifts the mood, but that is because of the artificial heightening of the serotonin secretion in the brain. The upliftment of the mood comes with its price as molly drug effects  gradually destroys the serotonin receptors.  Serotonin is actually the natural antidepressant that we are talking about here and serotonin secretion in the brain can be heightened by methods other than taking mdma also. For example, it has been noticed that when you are in love there is a heightened secretion of serotonin in the brain cells. Physical exercises and certain food items also increase the serotonin levels in the brain.