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Molly Addiction During Pregnancy

Molly is a street name given to MDMA, also known as Ecstasy. Molly addiction is becoming more prevalent every year in the Unites States. The immediate molly addiction effects include excitement and euphoria, which is the primary incentive of molly addiction. Although molly is more commonly used by teens, people continue the use as it is addictive. Molly addiction comes with a number of health hazards and predisposes the addict to mental illnesses and memory deficits. The molly addiction effects are detrimental not only the physical and mental health but also to the prenatal health that every unborn baby deserves.

Molly Use

According to a research study published in the Journal of Neurotoxicity and Teratology, the use of MDMA in the first semester of pregnancy makes the unborn baby vulnerable to brain damage. Molly addiction effects on the unborn baby include the following:


*Reduction in the normal cell loss that accompanies development of the fetus.

*Impaired serotonin metabolism.
*Negative effect on the ability to  experience pleasure
*Impaired regulation of sleep and appetite
*Brain damage to some extent
*Lesser adaptability
*Take more time to process information and take decisions
*Impaired learning ability
*Attention deficits and hyperactivity

Serotonin and Dopamine

Molly addiction alters the serotonin and dopamine levels on the blood of the unborn child. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates processes like sleeping, appetite, and motivation, and the experience of excitement and pleasure. Many of the psychological disorders have a serotonin or dopamine imbalance as their leading cause and are treated by balancing the concentration of these brain chemicals. Being a natural antidepressant molly has a huge role to play in the disruption of the neurotransmitter systems of the brain. For pregnant women the molly addiction effects include impairments in the regulation of serotonin content in the blood of the unborn child. This predisposes the child to many psychological illnesses. Research has found interesting gender differences in this phenomenon. Serotonin imbalance in serotonin and dopamine are seen to occur in male babies only. The female fetus is not affected in terms of lack of proper metabolism of the neurotransmitters.

It is because of these adverse effects of molly addiction in pregnancy that whenever women learn that they are pregnant they discontinue the use of the drug. The wise thing to do is not to be addicted to such hazardous substance in the first place and seek help in case you do. Because it is mostly started in early teenage years, adolescents should be taught assertiveness training to deal with peer pressure and their self esteem should be enhanced so that they do not turn to drugs to be accepted by a certain peer group or social circle.
The women should be strictly guided as to how they should take prenatal care of the baby. There should be public awareness about the molly addiction effects on their unborn child. Even in minute quantities, and even in early days of pregnancy this drug is detrimental to the health of pregnant women and the their unborn child.