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Mental And Physical Side Effects Of MDMA

MDMA use is nowadays considered to be safer than drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. While it is true that the substance found in the drug known on the streets as ecstasy causes less dependence than tobacco and alcohol, it does not mean that effects of MDMA are only of the pleasant kind. Long-term effects of MDMA are a reality, and using this drug can have an important impact on your mind and body. Even when taken once, MDMA can cause a wide range of side effects that you will find hard to deal with.

What Happens To The Body After MDMA Use

Although it is known that MDMA has a major impact on the way the brain works, because it forces the serotonin receptors in the brain to release the entire reserve of natural antidepressant in one go, it does not mean that the body is not marked by effects of MDMA. Unpleasant and hard to bear side effects of ecstasy include severe muscle pains, teeth grinding, a locked jaw, blurry vision and a general feeling of being physically drained. After a night spent in a club or at a party where they consumed ecstasy, users often find themselves incapable of doing much, and the only thing they can do is to rest.

Painkillers can help, as well as a healthy meal and a good nap. However, you cannot do much about these physical side effects of MDMA, and you need to go through all the pains that follow. Even if physical consequences are not usually among the long-term effects of MDMA, it does not mean that you should abuse your body. If you want to skip, or at least partially avoid feeling that bad the next day, do not spend every waking moment of your night out jumping up and down on the dance floor. Take small breaks, and do not forget to drink plenty of orange juice, to avoid overheating and to give your body some fuel to work with. This way, the pleasant effects of natural antidepressant will not bring the same degree of pain, once they wore off.

What Happens To The Mind After MDMA Use

As mentioned before, it is your brain that suffers most after consuming ecstasy. Depression is the most common of the effects of MDMA and it is the exactly polar opposite of the feeling of euphoria felt the night before. Memory impairment can also occur, and this is among the long-term effects of MDMA that users should be warned of. Also, a sensation of restlessness will not leave your mind at ease, and you will find that it is almost impossible to sleep and really rest your exhausted brain. If you want to combat these unpleasant effects of MDMA, you need to eat well and sleep well, even before taking ecstasy.

Long-term effects of MDMA are not very numerous, but they do exist. Do not neglect the short term effects, either; despite feeling so high due to the natural antidepressant released by the drug, the next days will be difficult to go through.