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MDMA Dangers To Fertility

Sex is defined as an act which is carried between two partners for pleasure. Besides, it is also referred to as a natural process with the help of which, a woman can become pregnant and a couple can take their family generations forward. But there are many couples who in spite of active sex relations for more than 12 months fail to plan their family. Infertility seems to be a simple word, but in real is a quite stressful time span of life. Infertility can be caused due to any reason; due to a defect in reproductive cells or may be by the use of recreational and prescription drugs. Many times use of natural antidepressant tablets is also blamed for this. Doctors these days prescribe strong antibiotics and steroids to patients to get them relieved from their pain but most of the times do not realize the side effects that these drugs leave behind.

MDMA Effects

Something similar happens with MDMA, which is an entactogenic drug of the amphetamine and phenethylamine class of drugs and is used for inducing euphoria. Couples trying to motivate their sense of intimacy for others use MDMA but ignore the MDMA dangers linked to it. MDMA is known as an effective natural antidepressant tablet for diminishing anxiety, jealousy and hostility and it is also popular for provoking a strong sense of inner peace and self acceptance. MDMA, also termed as Ecstasy is largely consumed by many couple for motivating their desire for sex. However, when there exist so many positive faces of MDMA then at the same time, this small tablet is endowed with various side effects and perilous MDMA dangers also. Users generally are unaware about the MDMA danger information and thus ignore to consider them. It is normally when the body starts suffering from its pain when MDMA use dangers come into notice. The entire blame goes to the MDMA danger information which most people lack of.


Among various psychological, physiological and many other miscellaneous side effects, infertility is one of the most commonly known and stressful MDMA use dangers due to which many couple don’t conceive even lifelong. When MDMA is used in excess, it is then that it brings such negative effects on the reproductive system of a body. Not only MDMA but alcohol, tobacco and blood pressure medication also effects a body’s reproductive system. Therefore, prior planning a child, it is very important to consult a health care provider and confirm few facts about the MDMA use dangers and all other type of MDMA danger information.


Many times, only a woman is blamed for infertility, but actually it could be from both sides. Males could also be the cause of infertility between couples, because whenever they consume MDMA or any other natural antidepressants in excess, they suffer from reduced libido, abnormally-shaped sperm and poor sperm count, which further leads to infertility. When women consume such drugs, it is basically ovulatory dysfunction, menstrual irregularities and reduced ovarian reserve that affects her. All these factors further give birth to infertility, one of the most stressful MDMA dangers.