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Is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Considered A Medical Psychiatric Disorder

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD is the condition that occurs from 5 to 11 days before a woman’s monthly cycle. During this time, women have premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms which include a lot of tension, irritability and severe depression. While no solid causes have been found yet, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and ginseng has always been linked with the hormonal changes that go through a woman’s body during menstruation.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Symptoms

•    Depression
•    Sudden mood changes
•    Anxiety or tension
•    Irritability
•    Decreased energy
•    Loss of interest in daily and sexual activities
•    Insomnia or Hyper insomnia
•    Bloating
•    Breast tenderness
•    Difficulty concentrating
•    Appetite change
•    Panic attacks
•    Sudden increase in sex drive and food craving
•    Suicidal tendencies

All of the above symptoms might not be present in a single person, but if five or more premenstrual dysphoric disorder symptoms ring bell, you have got PMDD. Researchers and experts for premenstrual dysphoric disorder information suggest a direct link between depression and PMDD, which means if you have underlying issues that lead to depression, you are more likely to have PMDD and maximizing light in your home to alleviate depression. The brain regulates the emotions and behaviors through receptors like progesterone, estrogen and other sex hormones. These hormones are also responsible for influencing thoughts, moods and actions. Also, obesity, past sexual or mental abuse as well has genes play a huge part.  These criteria are taken into consideration when researchers for premenstrual dysphoric disorder information consider the link between PMDD and psychiatric disorder. In fact, the disorder was originally named Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder (LLPD) until American Psychiatric Association changed it to premenstrual dysphoric disorder in May, 1993. PMDD is recognized as an illness by the Food and Drug Association (FDA).

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Treatments

There are treatments available for PMDD. The premenstrual dysphoric disorder medication can be both Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic. Natural Antidepressant is the safest way of treating PMDD, as depression is the most common symptom. They slow the reuptake of serotonin that will make you feel better by increasing neurotransmission. When you cannot get out of bed and it starts affecting your personal and professional life, taking natural antidepressant will help you get back on track. However, it is suggested that you take natural antidepressant only after consulting your doctor. The non pharmacological premenstrual dysphoric disorder medication includes:

•    Lifestyle change
•    Maintaining a monthly mood chart
•    Herbal remedies and natural  and nutritional supplements
•    Light therapy
•    Psychotherapy

There are many researches and trials going on for PMDD and other menstrual symptoms. More medicines are being tested for having properties that cure PMDD, so they can be used as premenstrual dysphoric disorder medication. Consult your physician for any such trials that you can be part of. Exercise regularly, especially aerobic, have a balanced diet, rich with fibers and essential minerals. Keep yourself informed about the latest premenstrual dysphoric disorder information and you are more likely to march to cure. Maintaining a proper and regular record and consulting an experienced physician can be the best way out of this condition. Leading a healthy lifestyle will also help cure such situations easily.