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Is It Proven That Low Seratonin Levels Cause Depression

Seratonin is an essential neurotransmitter in the body and brain, is responsible for regulating sleep, mood and behavior. When the levels of this neurotransmitter falls, a number of behavioral changes occur and the person is affected with conditions such as depression, mood swings, is tyrosine safe, insomnia etc. Seratonin levels decrease due to a number of factors including, sleep deprivation, drug and substance abuse including abuse of natural antidepressant, poor diet and lack of exercise etc. These entire factors contribute in the depletion of seratonin to unhealthy levels.

Depression And Seratonin

Depression is by far the commonest outcome of low seratonin levels b12 vitamins. According to research and studies, patients suffering from depression and mood disorders were said to suffer from low serotonin levels along with other conditions. When these depleted stores of serotonin were tried to replenish by using prescription drugs and herbal remedies, patients were observed to be relieved of depression and showed great process towards mental stability, i.e. is serotonin ecstasy was used. Therefore, with the help of various prescription drugs such as serotonin ecstasy, it helps overcome serotonin deficiency and hence in overcoming depression and anxiety.

According to different conditions, low seratonin levels affect differently. Low seratonin effects include:

•    Sleep deprivation and Insomnia: Some sufferers of low serotonin levels experience fatigue even after good rest and in some cases, they suffer from very less sleep, erratic sleeping patter or waking frequently.

•    Depression: This is one of the most common effects of low seratonin levels. Depression can range from mood swings, general melancholy to severe depression amongst many.

•    Feeling anxious is another common seratonin effect that sufferers experience.

Apart from such conditions, those suffering from low level of seratonin also experience other psychological conditions such as, low self esteem, distorted view of self as well the surrounding, inability to comprehend with the surrounding, inability to solve problems effectively etc.

Low Seratonin Level Information

Proving the theory that low seratonin levels are the reason for depression is difficult because proving the exact mechanism of seratonin ecstasy, is extremely difficult. Scientific proof would require minute explanation of every aspect of depression. In order to do so, access to rain and neurotransmitter would be necessary, which is virtually impossible. Theories carry much weight and are well researched, like the theory of gravity or theory of relatively. Much comprehensive research is carried out which explains in minute detail the theory. Similarly seratonin effect and depression is much researched by scientists as well as psychologists.

Addiction to natural antidepressant such as ecstasy causes low seratonin levels in the long run. Even though seratonin released by ecstasy leads to an induced euphoria and a feeling of intimacy towards others, its abuse has negative long term effects such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, insomnia, increased heart rate and blood pressure etc. Like ecstasy, seratonin MDMA released has similar effects on the mind as well as body.

Temporary relief leads to extreme long-term effects, which are cured by prescription drugs and over the-counter medications. It is necessary to make seratonin information available to youngsters and party goers so as to discourage them from drug abuse.