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How Does L-Tryptophan Benefit Both Depression Sufferers and Insomniacs Alike

According to good sources of L-tryptophan information, L-tryptophan is really great for treating depression and insomnia. Although, it is important to also note that L-tryptophan side effects can occur if taken without the supervision of a professional health care provider.

Depression and Insomnia Treatment

L-tryptophan is a much needed amino acid that humans must obtain through their diet. It is serotonin’s precursor and UV light therapy for SAD. Serotonin is an essential neurotransmitter that can be found in the brain and is known to be deficient in people who suffer from depression. L-tryptophan helps to boost the serotonin levels in the brain without causing serious side effects that is usually associated with conventional antidepressant pills.

L-tryptophan is also known to enhance sleep and relaxation. According to L-tryptophan information, serotonin is among the major brain chemicals that are required in regulation of sleep and also recommended dose of l-tyrosine for depression. Increasing one’s intake of L-tryptophan food or natural antidepressant supplements is a good way of normalizing sleeping patterns.

Even though, L-tryptophan is a natural antidepressant, it is important to consult a physician before using L-tryptophan in treating a condition, doing this will reduce your chances of L-tryptophan side effects.


In the human brain, L-tryptophan is transformed into serotonin via a 2-step synthesis process. The enzyme L-tryptophan hydroxylase first converts L-tryptophan to 5-hydroxytryptophan. Another enzyme then decarboxylates the 5-hydroxytryptophan, which then forms serotonin – serotonin is involved in the body’s various central nervous system functions – this includes those that are known to play a huge role in insomnia and depression.

L-tryptophan Supplement Precaution

L-tryptophan maybe available as natural antidepressant supplements and sold in local drug stores and on the internet, it is also important that you understand that these supplement may also lead to L-tryptophan side effects as well. You will need to talk to your health care provider especially if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or currently breastfeeding or if you suffer from the following:

•    Blood disorder
•    Kidney disease
•    Muscle disorder
•    Liver disease

You also have to be extra careful when you place an order for L-tryptophan supplements on the internet, this is because the FDA does not regulate the distribution and sale of supplements that are sold outside the US.

Please note: You cannot get high off L-tryptophan! A lot of people are ever searching for a safe way to get “high” and purchase supposed “safe high” drugs labelled as L-tryptophan MDMA or L-tryptophan ecstasy. L-tryptophan does not offer any sort of hallucinogenic effect! The drugs that are labelled as L-tryptophan ecstasy or L-tryptophan MDMA are simply street drugs that will definitely cause harm to anyone who takes them.

Other labelled L-tryptophan MDMA or L-tryptophan ecstasy pills sold on the internet, street corners and in night clubs are dangerously high dosages of 5-HTP supplements – a very high dose of 5-HTP supplements is known to give a distinct and intoxicating effect. The side effects of taking 5-HTP in high dosages include:

•    Gastrointestinal distress
•    Weakness
•    Loss of appetite
•    Headaches
•    Blurred vision
•    Decreased coordination
•    Drowsiness
•    Allergic reactions