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How DL Phenylalanine Does Affect Fertility

Now a day many doctors suggest pain killers and antibiotics to their patients due to injuries, operations, back pain problems and other conditions. Some pain killers have serious effects causing other diseases or problems. Phenylalanine is composed of amino acid which completes the body needs. It is found in three forms: D-Phenylalanine, L-Phenylalanine and DL-Phenylalanine and overcome depression. D-Phenylalanine is composed to treat chronic pain, worry, irritability, and anxiety. It is also used as effective natural antidepressant. Depression is an illness and has three stages: mild moderate and acute. So it should be cured. This herbal remedy for depression works by raising phenylethylamine levels in brain increasing the production of norepinepherine.

DL Phenylalanine Effects

This drug also preserves and increases the chemicals that are involved in mood and pain regulation of human body. It contains nor-epinephrine which increases energy, helps to enhance the ability of focus and mental sharpness. Multiple doses of Ecstasy could lead to numbness and burning. It can be avoided by using DL-Phenylalanine after does socializing help to treat depression. The MDMA requires dopamine, oxidation and 5-HT transporter to work properly. But increasing dopamine concentration along with phenylalanine and 1-tyrosine could cause DL-Phenylalanine MDMA neurotoxicity. Phenylalanine is found in the soft drinks, smart drinks and the products containing aspartame. Anti-oxidants like vitamin-C can prevent neurotoxicity caused by MDMA.

DL-Phenylalanine Side Effects

DL-Phenylalanine Side Effects includes heartburn, nausea or headaches but it can be avoid by taking it with the glass of water. Taking more doses could cause numbness, tingling or nerve damage. Patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) don’t use it. Because patients with this disease lack enzyme that breaks phenylalanine to tyrosine.  They must consult with their physician otherwise it could damage to nervous system. Avoid taking meal containing Lioresal, a medication used for muscle spasm relieve as DLPA reduce its absorption. High level of amino acid in the body could cause death of nerve cells in the brain leading to nervous system damage. This is possible in case of diet with high concentration of aspartame a sweetener used in drinks sold in raves or midnight clubs. This may cause headache, nausea or burning.

DL-Phenylalanine Information

DL-Phenylalanine Information is that it may have the perverse effect of increased blood pressure, even though D, L in combination has less effect than the dietary supplements containing only “L” that is a form of amino acid. So, if you have high blood pressure start DLAP with low doses and use more if doctor recommend. Pregnant women or persons with kidney or liver disease must consult with their doctors before taking it otherwise it could be harmful. In combination with UVA therapy phenylalanine is also used to treat Vitiligo which is a skin disease in which skin has white patches. Regular use of DLPA could give relief to various symptoms of Parkinson’s disease but further investigation to this use is still under research. Always use your physician’s recommendations when using DLPA in combination with antidepressant. Because it L-phenylalanine react with other amino acids when absorbed, so don’t use it with protein food. Take DLPA on empty stomach with glass of water at least before one hour of you meal.