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Herbal Remedies For A Molly Comedown

Serotonin is found in the central nervous system of animals and humans. It is considered a contributor to the sense to well-being, and it is for this reason that it is given the name ‘happy hormone’. One of the main functions of Serotonin is regulating the mood, appetite and sleep of the human body and it plays some functions related to the mind, like memory and learning.

MDMA Effects

Let us link this above information to molly comedown. When someone takes MDMA, or “pops” an E pill, the drug reduces the amount of serotonin in the person’s body. MDMA is a neurotoxin and kill/diminishes things like dopamine and serotonin. As a result, the person will be hit with severe rebound depression and possibly even anxiety. No matter how high the drug took you, that is eventually how low you will fall once you come to the molly comedown phase. This is where a natural antidepressant is used as a molly comedown cure. This is because MDMA alters with the cognitive aspect of Serotonin, altering the mood/emotions.

As we have discussed in other articles, one molly comedown cure is herbal treatment, which is considered a natural antidepressant. Molly comedown can be fought with other ways, but herbal is considered the healthiest. People say that there are many other self-treatments that can be considered a molly comedown cure like getting the right amount of sleep, taking other drugs to balance the effect, etc.

MDMA Comedown Information

If you are about to take MDMA (or Ecstasy), you should know about molly comedown information and molly comedown effects. These will give you the other side of the story of using such substances and what will follow after that. One of the main molly comedown effects is that it reduces the level of serotonin in a human’s body. This is what needs to dealt with in order to get the person back to 100%.

Molly comedown information needs to be acquired so that you can retrieve the appropriate treatment accordingly. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) have both declared that natural remedies can be taken to increase serotonin levels but that does entirely remove the use of herbal remedies. Both of these mentioned cures deal with curing depression and anxiety, the main side effects of MDMA, facts that have been proven by the molly comedown information researched. Whatever you decide to use, you need to consult your doctors because everyone’s body has a different way with dealing with drugs and medicines. So in order to make sure your chosen medicine is the right one, make sure to make a visit to your doctor.

Taking such herbal and natural remedies, including natural antidepressant, is not the only way to deal with such a situation. People also believe that self-treatment is also a way to deal with depression. Some people prefer keeping a healthy diet, which contains serotonin to increase the serotonin in your body. Activities like meditation and therapy also improve the cognitive condition of your body, which can improve the levels of the serotonin in your body. All these are great ways to reduce the molly comedown effects.