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Foods for Concentration

There are plentiful products available in the market to improve brain function, concentration and memory. However, you may not know whether they really work. Of course our concentration ability and memory power reduce as we age. But the good news is we can maintain a healthy brain by taking the best foods for concentration along with depression once you’ve finished diagnosing depression for yourself. Adding brain foods and beverages to your diet can help provide essential nutrients to your brain and thereby help sharpen your focus as well as concentration and boost your attention span easily and safely.


Fish is one of the best foods that help your mind. It helps augment your brain power. Fish types that are rich in fish oil, Omega 3, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, whitefish, swordfish, anchovies and sardines are some of the great foods for concentration.  They help in regulating brain functioning and reduce the risk of developing dementia.  Taking at least three servings of fish in a week can help you get plenty of health benefits.


Spinach is packed with iron and antioxidants, which make it one of the top foods that help with concentration. The nutrients in spinach help to improve your memory and concentration. Pregnant mothers should take spinach regularly, as it is good for the brain development in fetus.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are excellent brain foods. They have choline, which helps boost the function of the brain cells and thereby help enhance the productivity of brain and memory. Nuts, especially hazelnuts and almonds are rich in vitamin E, which is good for our mind. Vitamin E helps create brain protective effects that range from preventing brain diseases to enhance brain power. It also helps delay the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Flax seed and sunflower seeds are great foods that help your mind. Flax seed contains essential fatty acids that help enhance the functioning of cerebral cortex, which plays a major role in cognitive function. Sunflower seeds contain tryptophan and thiamine, which are important for memory and relieving insomnia and depression.


Bananas are cheap brain foods that help improve your mood and concentration. They are rich in vitamin C, potassium, manganese and fiber, which help in boosting memory. A study shows that students who eat bananas learn their lessons more efficiently and get better marks on exams. Bananas also contain vitamin B6, which makes them the most excellent foods for concentration. Vitamin B6 helps in producing dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, which in turn help support concentration and focus.


Caffeine is one of the top foods that help with concentration. It keeps you energized and helps you to concentrate better. Though the energy boosting effects are short term, it can help you in times where immense concentration is required. Remember excessive consumption of caffeine can cause unwanted effects.


Blueberries are good foods that help your mind. Studies show that regular intake of blueberries can help prevent the brain from the damages caused by free radicals. They also help improve the muscle function that would reduce due to aging and make you mentally alert.

Whole Grains

Whole grains contain vitamin B6 and folate, which help stimulate brain functions. They are rich in fiber and nutrients that help improve blood flow in the brain.