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Ecstasy Hangover Normal

Use of Ecstasy, like alcohol consumption, is always associated with a next day hangover like sensation. In case of Ecstasy hangover, however, the symptoms experienced can be tougher than those experienced after alcohol abuse. For those that are unfamiliar with Ecstasy hangover effects, these symptoms may be an important cause of concern, but the truth is that having a bad day after a night high on Ecstasy is nothing but natural. Trying some Ecstasy hangover remedies can help a lot, since there is cure to anything you may be feeling due to the night before abuse.

The Main Cause Of Ecstasy Hangover

Basic Ecstasy hangover information makes it clear that having a really bad day after a wild night on Ecstasy happens all the time. When you use the drug, the brain is practically forced to release all the natural antidepressant it produces, and afterwards, it is all drained of its resources. This is exactly what you will be feeling, too. Do not worry that your brain will never produce natural antidepressant again, as this is not true. The thing is that Ecstasy hangover effects are caused by the fact that the body is still processing the serotonin released the night before, and it will take a while until it receives the signal that it is time to produce natural antidepressant again.

Common Ecstasy Hangover Effects

Although each individual may experience Ecstasy hangover differently, some symptoms can be found in all cases. Users of this drug say that they feel like hit by a truck the next day, because of the physical and emotional symptoms they experience. Aches in all body muscles, loss of appetite, inability to fall asleep, are all common Ecstasy hangover effects. If you want to know more about these effects, you may want to seek for more Ecstasy hangover information on forums where users share their experiences. Fortunately, they can also teach you some Ecstasy hangover remedies that work in most cases.

The Best Remedies For Ecstasy Hangover

Here are some Ecstasy hangover remedies that you will find easy to apply. What you want most the next day is to feel less bad. Since lack of serotonin is what affects your state of mind, you will need to help your brain produce more of the much needed natural antidepressant. Taking 5-HTP supplements can help a lot with this issue, as they are sold over the counter, and they can stimulate the brain to make serotonin again. Even if you find that you have trouble sleeping, try taking a lukewarm shower and then go to bed. The same thing goes for the loss of appetite that is experienced as part of Ecstasy hangover effects. Eat a hearty meal, rich in proteins and vitamin C, even if you have to force yourself a little. This way, you will give your body something to work with, since it needs a new supply of resources to produce serotonin as before. This type of Ecstasy hangover information will help back online in no time.