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Ecstacy Use Unavoidable In Todays World

Ecstasy or MDMA is becoming the imminent threat to our teenagers because it is becoming increasingly popular among our youth. This article intends to provide you with information on ecstacy abuse, ecstacy abuse effects and ecstacy abuse information on dealing with the drug abuse. MDMA is an illicit substance but it is one of the easiest available drugs on the market. Ecstacy abuse is a common phenomenon in our school or college going youth. It is often believed that ecstasy or MDMA is a safe drug because people are not fully equipped with ecstacy abuse information and ecstacy abuse effects. Ecstacy abuse effects on human health are comparable to those of amphetamines and hallucinogens. Ecstacy abuse is growing in social events like raves, parties, concerts etc. by both adults and youth.

Ecstacy Information

MDMA is tested as a natural antidepressant in some clinical trials because of the way it acts on the human brain. MDMA releases serotonin in the brain, which is believed to be a natural antidepressant and makes MDMA a viable candidate to be used in new natural antidepressant medication. The deceptive reputation of MDMA as a safe drug has been established in the general public due to lack of ecstacy abuse information, which leads to the increase in ecstasy abuse cases. It was estimated that ecstacy abuse causes around 30 deaths annually in UK alone. The reality of the matter is that MDMA is a relatively new drug and medical field still lacks ecstacy abuse information but that does not qualify it as a safe drug. Ecstacy abuse cases studied in the last decade have revealed treacherous ecstacy abuse effects on human health.

Ecstacy Abuse

Ecstacy abuse may not be as life threatening as other drugs like crystal meth, PCP, or opiates but the full extent of ecstacy abuse effects are not clear to medical experts yet. Animal testing has shown that ecstacy abuse can lead to heart failure, liver damage, and renal failure. In high dosages, ecstacy abuse can lead to hypothermia and seizures. The psychological ecstacy abuse effects include paranoia, depression, lack of concentration and psychosis. Ecstacy abuse is not something that you cannot avoid, mainly because the addiction of users to ecstasy is much less as compared to other drugs. The withdrawal effects of ecstacy abuse are far less which renders it as less addictive.

Ecstacy Abuse Effects

An Ecstacy abuse effect on the human body is not irreversible and they can be reversed with abstinence from ecstasy abuse. In order to get a hold of this culminating threat, ecstacy abuse information needs to be provided to our youth.  Discussion groups on ecstacy abuse should be organized in our schools and colleges providing ecstacy abuse information, and hazardous effects of ecstasy abuse. The parents need to be more aware of the ecstacy abuse effects on the human health so that they are better equipped to deal with the ecstacy abuse problem among their children. The perception of MDMA being a natural antidepressant and a safe drug needs to be altered among both youth and the adults, so that ecstacy abuse can be contained.