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E Pills Bad For You

Have you ever heard about the worst drug, Ecstasy? Have you tried this drug at least for once? If not, you are safe! But it is essential to have E PILLS Information. Collect in-depth E PILLS Information so that you will come to know how it is worst, how it works on the human body as well as brain, and the worst effects of E PILLS Addiction.
What is Ecstasy? How does it look like? In what form Ecstasy is available? Is there any need or situation that promote intake of E PILLS? What are the main ingredients of Ecstasy? What are the street names for Ecstasy?

E Pills Information

Ecstasy or MDMA is a worst type of drug just like LSD, alcohol, heroin, etc. Ecstasy is a synthetic and psychoactive drug that is chemically similar as stimulant methamphetamine. Ecstasy is addicted type drug. Ecstasy is a drug with the combination of hallucinogen and methamphetamine or amphetamine. The main factor of Ecstasy is MDMA (Methylene-Dioxymethyl Amphetamine) which is a synthetic chemical that is extracted from essential oil of sassafras tree. It is made with various chemicals those are synthesized in the laboratory. This drug includes caffeine, cocaine, Dextromethorphan, chalk, amphetamines, and several harmful factors. It has similar hallucinogenic properties to LSD and amphetamines. Ecstasy is a possible appetite suppressant.

E Pills History

The popular name for Ecstasy is MDMA. It is also known as MDMA, Adam, XTC, E, X, M & M, Cloud 9, 007, Essence, Beans, Pills, Hug, etc. It is a designer drug and is also known as ‘love drug’. How to judge that the pill is E Pill? How does the Ecstasy look like? Ecstasy is sold in various forms like E PILLS or E PILLS Powder or E crystal. Ecstasy or MDMA powder is white in color. The E PILLS are available in several colors. These tablets or E PILLS have logos and designs. The tablet can be swallowed with the water or any liquid. The powder can also be taken by mixing it into the liquid. The person can fill the powder into the capsule and swallow the same.

Addiction towards ecstasy is becoming increasingly popular. Over the last 15 to 20 years the Ecstasy abuse and ecstasy addiction has become increasingly widespread. MDMA is highly popular among adults and youth. Ecstasy mostly used in dancing bars, clubs, parties, raves, etc. Surprisingly, Teens, college students and high school students too are addict of Ecstasy.

Intake of Ecstasy is always bad. When person taste it for first, he like the taste of it and enjoy increased energy, increased fillings of closeness, increased feelings of sex, increased mental strength, increased self confidence, etc. But when the person use to take the same regularly he becomes addict or it and experience several bad effects. There are several bad and negative E PILLS Effects.

Ecstasy directly attack on the brain that can cause psychological as well as physiological negative effects such as loss of memory, brain hemorrhage, increases the level of natural antidepressant serotonin, sweating, chills, mental euphoria, physical euphoria, decreased negative emotions, stress, fear, paranoia, increased empathy, hypertension, hyperthermia, congenital cardiac conditions, etc.