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Does Tryptophan Work For Depression

Tryptophan is an amino acid found in foods rich in protein. It can be obtained naturally through a diet or can be supplemented. Tryptophan is a newly introduced depression remedy and the question still remains whether it is a natural anti-depressant.

Tryptophan Effects

As much as the idea of a depression-curing supplement is yet to sink in, it is quite true that tryptophan alleviates like is l-tryrosine safe for mood swings, anxiety and depression. This is all based on tryptophan information that has been researched and put forward by scientists. The story behind tryptophan information is simple; the amino acid works by increasing serotonin levels in the body.

The L-tryptophan, which is normally used by the body, gets transformed into 5-hydroxytryptophanthen finally to serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter whose function is to calm the body and thus rids the body of any anxiety. Seratonin further calms the mood, keeps the moods up and induces sleep.

Why Tryptophan for Depression

Depression may be as a result of lack of sleep or dump moods; seratonin thus takes care of that via tryptophan. Tryptophan thus works best in ridding the body of depression. Use of tryptophan has also been proven to increase seratonin levels in the body. Study on patients who suffered depression largely got it due to low levels of seratonin in the body. The absence of tryptophan means the absence of tryptophan hence the depression.

The tryptophan amino acids need to be acquired through supplements in the stores. You can have your daily supply of the amino acids just by your dining table every day. A natural diet is the best way of keeping the tryptophan depression causes levels checked and the depression away.

Where To Find Tryptophan

Taking red or white meat every day will help you do that. Thanksgiving might be the best time to experience the effects of tryptophan. Turkey has a high tryptophan concentration and many people have experienced sleepiness once the meal is over. Turkey induces a good sleep after which you feel refreshed for the rest of your day. That is depression gone just like that!

Tryptophan can also be found in chocolate. Strange as it sounds but chocolate might be bad for your teeth but good for your moods. Milk and other dairy products serve the same amounts of the natural anti-depressant so your daily intake of the supplement is just about taken care off.

Another major tryptophan information is sort after is how safe the supplement is for use. A common problem with the regular antidepressants is their side effects; some even greater than the benefits. Well.  This might be a bummer to those who had hopes on this new anti-depressant; along with the benefits, tryptophan side effects are also witnessed.

Tryptophan side effects however occur where the supplement has been prolonged in use or the right dosage not followed or maybe taking it as a tryptophan ecstasy or typtophan MDMA. Tryptophan being a natural anti-depressant may also react to other drugs thus a physician’s consent must be sorted before use. Generally tryptophan side effects that can be witnessed are Nausea, paranoia and to some extent digestive problems. But commonly they might be extreme if the medication is taken as tryptophan ecstasy or tryptophan MDMA.

Tryptophan use has also been currently been restricted in some countries. This follows a report that was published in the past about the supplement causing the deaths of patients who used it. A certain brand of tryptophan supplements were manufactured with harmful chemicals in them. Until further news on the supplement’s safety is published it is safe to avoid it.