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Does 5HTP Work For Depression

Depression affects millions of people everywhere, but a consistent cure has yet to be discovered. Users of recreational drugs such as ecstasy often appeal to a dietary supplement that is sold over the counter in drug stores, called 5HTP. Since depression is believed to be caused by the lack of natural antidepressant (serotonin) in the brain, stimulating the production of the happiness hormone seems to be just the right answer to this problem. Bipolar symptoms uses include the administration of 5HTP before and after taking drugs, in order to help the brain produce serotonin again. But, does 5HTP truly work for depression? There are studies that show that the now well known amino-acid seems to work quite well in treating temporary and even more severe cases of depression. However, 5HTP side effects are not well researched, so make sure that it is safe for you to use it.

The brain mechanisms

5HTP ecstasy benefits have been recently discovered, since depression often afflicts people that consume such drugs. If you search for basic 5HTP information, you will see that 5HTP is touted to be the right answer to what is ayurvedic medicine and your brain produce natural antidepressant, after you have used up all your serotonin reserve when high on MDMA. What happens when you take 5HTP is that your nervous system is again stimulated to make serotonin, which is very important to improving your mood. Since ecstasy can cause a pretty horrible hangover, combating depression with an intake of 5HTP MDMA supplement may help you a great deal. As your natural antidepressant reserve is totally depleted, your brain will receive the signal and the fuel to make new serotonin, which will contribute to your well being. Taking this amino-acid can lead to some 5HTP side effects, though, so do your research before appealing to this so called miracle cure.

How safe is to use 5HTP

There is not enough 5HTP information related to the possible side effects of this dietary supplement, but seeing that it is often sold over the counter as an aid in treating depression, the risks are not very important. One aspect that you must keep in mind, however, is that 5HTP can interact with other medications, which means that you need to ask your doctor if it is safe for you to take it. 5HTP side effects have not been explored sufficiently, so it is best to avoid any risks for your health by interrupting your medication, if possible, or by asking your personal physician for advice.

What do the studies say

The 5HTP information provided by medical studies show that the supplement can help in alleviating the symptoms of depression. 5HTP ecstasy recommendations are linked to these studies that show an improvement in patients with depression, once they start taking this supplement. Other 5HTP MDMA benefits are related to the fact that the nervous system is not left alone to struggle with making natural antidepressant again.
While the benefits of 5HTP are yet to be proven in other areas, such as weight loss, or heart disease treatment, 5HTP ecstasy benefits seem to be a reality. Since depression is efficiently fought by using this supplement, it is worth asking your doctor if you can take this amino-acid in order to prevent the nasty effects of depleting your reserves of natural antidepressant.