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Do SSRE’s Increase the Risk of Bleeding

According to reliable SSRE information, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Enhancer’s do increase the risk of bleeding in the stomach and the intestines. The risk of SSRE effects increases when anti-inflammatory pain reliever or aspirin are taken.

The big research shows that individuals who take selective serotonin reuptake enhancers (SSREs) and kanna information for serotonin boost were almost 4 times likely to become hospitalized with intestinal or stomach bleeding than individuals who stick to taking natural antidepressant supplements.

SSRE Information

SSRE information from reliable sources shows that when SSREs are combined with anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen, the danger of SSRE effects such as bleeding increased twelve-fold. Individuals who took SSREs and low dose aspirin were 5 times at greater danger of bleeding.

SSRE information provided by Dr. Henrik Toft Sorensen, a study researcher, says that individuals who take antidepressants for serotonin boost should not be too worried, even though the findings do provide strong evidence that selective serotonin reuptake enhancers do increase the risk of intestinal and stomach bleeding. Natural antidepressant supplements and important information I should know about licorice can also be used in order to boost serotonin levels in the brain especially if the individual is suffering from mild depression.

SSRE Effects

In Dr. Henrik Toft Sorensen’s SSRE information, he explained that is vital to balance the modest risk of taking SSREs against the actual advantages of using the drugs. Depression is a pretty serious disorder and SSRE’s are very helpful medications. But medical doctors will need to be aware of this before they prescribe them.

Among the 26,000 individuals who are taking antidepressants, scientist have discovered that all SSREs increased the risk of bleeding, like other types antidepressants known to  give serotonin boost such as Elavil and Tofranil. Nortriptyline and Desipramine are antidepressants that have no effect on serotonin and didn’t increase the risk of bleeding.

Scientists believe that SSREs increase the risk of bleeding by reducing the ability of platelets to effectively clot the blood. People who have a high risk of experiencing SSRE effects should consider taking a natural antidepressant or older antidepressants like tricyclics – tryclyclics does not affect the body’s serotonin levels.

SSRE Medical Advice

No matter how safe a drug might be, it is always important to first seek medical advice before taking SSREs. Studies conducted of SSREs and digestive system bleeding in Ottawa Health Research Institute, Ontario by Van Walraven and colleagues have shown that there is a little connection between the use of antidepressants and the risk of bleeding, however, the risk was actually significant for only individuals who were already at risk of bleeding – for instance, the elderly and people who have a medical history of digestive bleeding.

The choice of using medication to treat depression or any type of medical condition normally balance several factors, this includes tolerability, side effects, interactions with other drugs and cost. Studies suggest that those individuals who are at high risk of bleeding should consider an alternative depression treatment. Natural antidepressant treatments is best for those who are at high risk of intestinal and stomach bleeding, there are exercises, foods and herbs that work well to treat depression.