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Do B12 Vitamins Treat Depression

Vitamins are like fuel for the body. They help us in carrying out our daily activities properly and let us live a healthy life. So, their proper balance is necessary for both our body and life. Among many other important vitamins, benefits gotu kola is very much required by our body and for the normal functions of many of our organs, which mainly include brain, nervous system and blood production etc.

B12 vitamin as a natural anti-depressant

B12 vitamin is a gem of a vitamin, as it helps us to fight back depression, proved by many studies. Though it was officially discovered very late, but it has been in use for centuries in the form of herbal medicine as a cure of depression. Therefore, it is a natural anti-depressant.

B12 vitamin role in treating Depression by regulating Hormones

B12 vitamin helps in regulating and stimulating the activities of the hormones and neurotransmitters that have a positive natural remedies for depression during menstruation effect on your mood and emotions. Thus, B12 vitamin supplements help in boasting up the energy level of the body and help one to perform all the routine activities energetically.

B12 vitamins regulate the functions of the hormones that include Melatonin, Dopamine and Serotonin, as the role of dopamine is to control body movement and increase motivation. Serotonin is called as “Hormone of Happiness”, hence it controls the mood of an individual, and Melatonin has an effect on mood swings and is helpful in treating cluster headaches, depression and migraines. Consequently, the B12 vitamin can increase the performance of these hormones and helpful in preventing many disorders.

MDMA stands for 3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and are locally called as ecstasy. These are mostly used by teenagers for boosting up mood and to attain the state of utopia. Their use alone can be harmful and can result in hearing loss, sleeping deprivation and, in the long run, may even cause depression. B12 Vitamin has a role in boosting up the body and hence can be called as B12 vitamin MDMA. It can be used along with the MDMA in order to avoid its harmful effects.

B12 vitamin helps in fighting depression and is very supportive in treating the depression patients. The anti-depressant drugs show better results if B12 vitamin supplements are used with them. Thus, B12 vitamins are helpful in achieving the state of ecstasy, so they can be named as B12 vitamin ecstasy.

One reason of depression is the increased level of an amino acid, named as Homocysteine, which increases the blood pressure and therefore the risk of heart disorders also increases. The use of B12 vitamin is very effective in lowering the level of Homocysteine, thus eliminating the risks of heart diseases.

Drawbacks of B12 Vitamin

The use of B12vitamin is safe if the dosage is properly monitored as prescribed by the doctor. Over dosage may results in skin rashes (acne), heart palpitation, breathing problem, chest pain, diarrhea and nausea etc.

A normal level of B12 vitamin should be maintained in the body; for this, we can use B12 vitamin supplements with doctor’s suggestion. Food rich in B12 vitamin as sea food, cheese, chicken meat, eggs and liver etc. can help us maintain an adequate amount of vitamins. Deficiency of B12 vitamin can cause sleepiness, confused state of mind, dizziness and finally depression. Therefore, B12 vitamin should be added in your routine diet in order to live a happy and healthy life.