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Depression is basically feeling sad or depressed. This happens at one point of time to all of us and stays for some time and then disappears on its own. However, if this state of depression stays in an individual for ever and interferes in his day to day life then this condition is referred to as clinical depression and serotonin syndrome. This condition of depression impacts the daily normal functioning in such a way that the person and all those related to them get impacted badly.

Depression Symptoms & Types

Well, not all of us are aware of the common depression symptoms. Before we understand the depression symptoms, we need to know that there are different kinds of depression. It is better to understand about the various types of depression before the patient goes and meets the doctor. Once you understand the types of depression you can easily understand even the most serious major depression symptoms and can prevent many complications.

Before you go for depression medication there are some factors that you need to take into consideration. The first factor that needs to be taken into account is the severity of this condition. You need to be clear whether you are already taking medicines for other medical conditions or you are on depression medication.

Depression Medication

If your symptoms are non recurrent and mild, then you can probably try some changes in the lifestyle and also go for counseling by professionals to reduce or resolve. Any major change or an event can trigger depression and this can be just temporary. In this case, you can wait and not rush for depression medication. It is important to know the source or the root cause for depression. A good depression quiz online can really help you understand the source of this problem. There are plenty of online depression quiz for all types of depression disorders. Before you go for any sort of medication to treat depression it is wise to go for a depression quiz.

Benefits of Depression Treatment

After the quiz if you feel that you can still see the symptoms of depression, you should not be ashamed to consult and discuss with your doctor. It is important to remember that depression is a pure medical condition and does not mean a flaw in the character or mental weakness. The medication that you take for depression will in no way impact your personality.

Yes, with the right medication you can improve your quality of life and treat depression effectively. If depression is left untreated it can lead to several other diseases like stroke and heart disease.

As a first step to treat depression, you can go for professional counseling. If you still see no improvement and your condition is still unchanged or rather become worse, then you need to opt for depression medication along with other treatment.

You need to continue with the medication for some time even though you feel the symptoms have gone. This would just give you a strong assurance that you will not feel depressed any more. 50% of people who experience depression and get treated may again experience a relapse some time later. Having the right dosage of medication can help you get away from this condition for ever.